A Bad Girl's Venom (21)

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Picture of Axel at the top for you guys to have a little visual XD

My eyes snap open and I take in a huge gasp. I'm alert and awake as I look around me at the room I'm in. This must be Cassie's guest bedroom. I've never actually been in here before till now. I wipe my hand down my face and stand up, walking towards the door and opening it. I walk down the stairs to see Cassie having a chill smoke. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Since when did she smoke? I shake my head lightly and walk around the couch so that I was facing her. I sat down on the floor across from her and looked at her surprised face.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask, confusion clear in my voice. Cassie clears her throat, trying to get over her shock.

"About a day now, you passed out after you picked up Emily," I nod my head in understanding and stood up again.

"Where is Emily exactly?" I asked. Cassie scratched her head and turned towards the hallway.

"Asleep in my room," She replied before returning to her SpongeBob marathon. I turned and walked down the hallway, entering a room with the words "Cass" on the door.

As I walk in, I see Emily sitting on the floor, rubbing her eyes and trying to look at a picture that was on a higher shelf. I glance at her struggling figure before grabbing the picture and scooping Emily up in my arms. She giggles as I sit down on the floor and sit her in my lap.

I hold the picture in front of us and see that it's of Cassie and her old boyfriend, Jessie. I have to admit, they were the cutest couple out of all of Cassie's relationships. She never did have to stress over her relationships. She's not been the slutty type, she always learns about the guy before she dates them. I mean she's only had three relationships before.

I sigh, looking down at Emily who looks right back up at me with those big crystal eyes.
"I have to choose don't I?" I say in a small voice, knowing she won't understand. She reached her hand up and tries to grab my nose but I dodge her hand by pulling my face back a little. A grin spreads on my face as she smiles and giggles, making small baby talking sounds.

"I have to decide I just don't know who," I whisper to myself as I look up.


I was chilling at the boy's house, waiting for Axel to come downstairs so we could go for a walk and talk about a few things. The only other person there was James and he was playing video games down in the basement.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs brought my attention to the staircase. Axel stood there in a casual red and black plaid shirt that had the sleeves rolled up just to his elbows. He wore nice black skinny jeans and red vans. His hair was styled normally and a little messy, making his appearance ever so sexy. I could smell a strong intriguing aurora elevate off of him as he walked closer to me. He held a smirk on his face and passed me, walking out the door.

"It's not nice to stare," His light voice whispered as he passed me. My mouth gaped slightly and I turned around, my hair whipping me in the face. I hurried to catch up after him and steadied my pace as I caught up with him.

"So you wanted to talk," He glanced at me before returning his gaze to the ground in front of us.
"Talk." He demanded and I rolled my eyes at his impatience. I looked away and took a deep breath.

"Why do you like me? Is it because you want to fight against Jackson or is it because you just can't stand me so you want to get rid of me by breaking my heart?" I asked in frustration.

"Or do you just want to tear me apart? Do you hate me that much?" I looked at him with fury in my eyes and he stared right back, keeping his cool with a emotionless expression on his face. We had stopped now and were standing in a forest.

Axel hesitated before holding my face in his hands and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I don't want you thinking that I'm doing this cause I don't like you. I love you and I just want you to know that. I just want you to choose me instead of Jackson--" I cut him off, pulling my head away from his grasp.

"Why?! Why should I choose you after how rudely you've treated me?! You never really talked to me as a friend and now you want me to DATE YOU?!" I looked at him like he was crazy. I made a sound of disgust as I looked away for a split second.
"Name one reason why I should possibly pick you?" I ask him calmly, taking it down a notch. he looked at lost for words.

"I love you," he mumbled and I shook my head.

"That's the problem, Axel," I flailed my arms in exaggeration. I lean back on the tree behind me.
"You don't know what love means, you show your love in a way that I don't want. Even if you did 'love' me you still wouldn't be able to treat me the way I'd want you to. This relationship that you want so bad won't work out for me or you," I trail off looking away from him. A moment of silence passes between the two of us.

"So say it," He whispered, his voice broken. I looked back at him, my eyes soft.

"You know what I'm going to say," I mumbled. he looked away from me and at the ground in the distance.

"I just want you to say it," He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"I-i," I paused and gulped looking into his eyes.

"Y-you're not the o-one I ch-choose," I stuttered. He nodded his head and turned away, pausing for a moment.

"Ok," He said before he walked off and back home.

So that was it, only one more person to go. At least Jackson will be somewhat easier than Axel.

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