A Bad Girl's Venom (24)

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I sat staring straight at the ceiling above me. My mind raced with various memories from my life and I shivered as I remembered the first day I met Jackson.

My light grey eyes stared out my window and met with a pair of bright blue ones and we stared at each other for a while, mesmerized by each other and intoxicated in both of our eyes.

I snickered in my mind, I was so confused on who he was that I was blinded by the emotions in his eyes that gave away the shock and amusement that held in them. I think back the first time I met Axel.

I hear the sound of footsteps and keys clanging and landing in a bowl or glass dish of some sort. The footsteps seemed to freeze and a groan could be heard from the doorway. "What is she doing here" I hear a husky australian voice say and my head snapped up and I glared as a pair of green eyes glared back at mine.
"Ms. Evergreen and her daughter our over for dinner since we are their new neighbors and a nice family, right Axel?" She said through gritted teeth and Axel ran a hand through his hair before sighing. "RIght Axel?" She said a bit louder and Axel looked at her before groaning again. "Yeah, sure whatever"

I sighed as I remembered how much Axel acted like he didn't care. He acted so irritated when he saw Jackson and I's ... Moment. If you could even call it that ....

The knock on my door brought me out of my train of thought.

"Scarlett? Sweetheart, dinner is ready. I know you haven't come out of your room in a week and I understand that you're in a very tough decision right now but you have to come eat, for your health and for the boys' reassurance that you're not dead." Ms. O'Connell's voice came from outside my room door and I stayed silent as I heard her sigh and walk away from the door, small footsteps following her.


A small grin appeared on my face at the thought of little James. The boys care about James more than anything and try protect him from anything in the world. They would kill themselves if anything happened to him or their mom. I can't seem to remember the last time James and I had a real talk. I change into my comfy Nike shorts and a loose white sweatshirt, I throw my hair up into a messy bun and slip on some comfy fitting white socks before opening my door and closing it softly. The sound of small chatter from downstairs alerted me that they were all already at the dinner table and eating. The thought of food made my stomach grumble. I never really thought about food until now. I would always just snack on the crackers in my room and drink from the faucet in my bathroom and unopened water bottles.

I creep down the stairs and I don't hear any change in the chatter. I walk towards the living room and grab the remote, sitting in a chair with my legs under me and to the side. I turned on the TV and was rewarded with the casual Sunday cartoons. I sat and watched as the powerpuff girls flashed across the scene and saved the day. I heard the chatter stop and I felt a few gazes on me. I heard the running of small feet and before I knew it James was standing in front of me, out of breath and tired, he leaned on my leg as he tried to catch his breath and a small smirk laid on my face.

"You're really out of shape," I told him, my voice scratchy and my british accent faint. I've been around American accents for so long that I'm starting to get used to them and lose mine. A smile stretched on his face and he gave me a big hug. I smiled back and wrapped my arms around him, returning the hug. He pulled away and grabbed my face in between his hands.

"Don't you ever pull that crap again. You scared the boys and I. I don't care if it's over Axel and Jackson or not. If they break your heart again then I'm gonna break their dicks off." He threatened and I chuckled at his serious expression. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Come on, we have to get you something to eat, you're skinny as hell," He muttered the last part under his breath and his mom held a scowl on her face as she smacked him lightly upside the head as he passed her. He rolled his eyes at her when she wasn't looking and sat me besides Jaxxon while he sat next to me.

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