A Bad Girl's Venom (11)

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Sweat dripped down my forehead as I pounded the red punching bag. I had been practicing for the big fight for over two hours now and I think I had burned off a lot of fat along with gaining a bit of muscle now. The big fight was at 7:00 and it was only 3:00 now.

I was supposed to meet Cassie and the rest of the girls at our secret hide out in 15 minutes. I wiped my head with the edge of my shirt and chugged my water bottle as I grabbed my car keys. I walked outside of the training center and over to my car. Unlocking my door, I got in and drove to the place.

"...And he basically tried to tell me to give him a blow job" I heard Carra say as I walked into Lights.

I raise an eyebrow at her and she gives me a smile and I shake my head at her. 

"Do I even want to know?" I asked her and she thought for a little while before shaking her head.

"Excited about your big fight?" Anna asked and I shrugged. 

"Besides the fact that if I win I get to punch Axel, no, not really," I tell them honestly. Lillianna gives me a confused look and I shake it off. 

"I- I don't know why, maybe it's because I have been through so many of these fights before that the energy is leaving me but, I'm just not feeling as pumped for this one as I always am." I tell her and Cassie nods.

"Yeah, I get what you're trying to say," I lay down in the little huddle we had as we stared at the fake stars on the ceiling. The lights dimmed and all you could see was the bright lights illuminating our faces. 

"Maybe I should take a break after this last fight..." I trail off and I see Carra look at me from the corner of my eye. 

"I um... I sorta wanted to take a break too for a little while," I watched as she fiddled with her fingers. "You know with the whole situation here, being well, mean and a bad girl." It was silent for a while, no one knew what to say to something like that.

Carra wasn't mean or that much of a bad girl. She wouldn't hurt a fly even if it bit her, one reason why I defend her so much. So when she said this I guess it sort of took us all by surprise really.

I mean, there's nothing to say to that. It was her decision. It's not like we're some kind of prison anyway, she could leave if she really wanted to.

"Okay," I replied simply and avoided eye contact with everyone.

I could feel Carra staring at me. 

"Okay?" She asked as if I was the one confused.

"Okay." I choked out and blinked back the tears as I started to remember Becca and how she would act if she heard that her sister wanted to 'chicken out' as she would call it. She would throw a fit and tell Carra off about how embarrassing it is to have an exact replica of herself refusing to do something that she would do in a heartbeat.

It's funny really how you would think that Carra would be happy about the fact that she didn't have to deal with Becca anymore if you saw the way Becca treated her sometimes.

"Thanks," I heard her whisper. I look back at the stars and sigh.

I love these moments.


Just a little sappy moment with all the girls involved.

The fight will be in the next chapter and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. :)

P.s, tell me in the comments below if you think Scarlett should quit fighting.

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