A Bad Girl's Venom (32)

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"I mean, after all, he is your ex-boyfriend," I froze and my throat started to close. The world seemed to fade as I stared at my father's eerie smile. He let out a evil chuckle and I did the only thing I could have thought of in that moment.

I punched him right in the fucking nose.

The silence in the air made me want to stab someone. My father was now laying limp in his chair, unconscious.

"Shit, Snake, you weren't supposed to make him unconscious!" Ashley yelled at me and I ignored her, turning around and untying the two twin guys. I avoid eye contact with Axel as I untie him and walk out of the building quickly. I get tackled by two boys and my eyes widen in shock until I recognize the familiar dark brown hair and golden colored hair. I smile at them as they let me go and I chuckle as they start to bombard me with questions. My mother smiles at me from a distance and I see the familiar blonde hair. I rush over to her and pick little Emily up, spinning her around in the air and kissing her cheek multiple times. She giggles and kisses my cheek in return, playing with the falling strands of hair that surround my face. I smile at her and hand her back to mother, who was talking to her husband in a very heated discussion. I spot the guys and walk over to them, immediately being engulfed in a huge group hug and suffocated.

"Guys, you're going to kill her," Axel's Australian voice cuts through the air and I feel the air return to me once again as the guys let go and smile at me.

"Well look at you, miss badass," Jaxxon teases and I roll my eyes at him playfully. He chuckles and I notice that all the guys are here except for Jackson.

"Um... Where's Jackson? I need to speak with him." I ask the guys and Jayden shrugs while Axel stands a distance away from me.

"Last I heard, he said he was going to visit his father and that was two days ago." Jaxxon responds and I squint my eyes at him

"Before the accident." He stated and I nodded my head and glanced around the outside grounds, searching for Ashley. I find her talking to the two twin boys and I walk over to her and wait for her discussion with who I presume to be her little brothers to end. She glanced up at me and holds a finger to her brothers, signaling for them to hold on a minute. She walks over to me and I clear my throat.

"Jackson seems to have gone to visit his father so questioning him anytime soon has to be postponed. As for getting the rest of your family, we will have to wait for my father to wake up to give us the reason on why he kidnapped your people and the whereabouts of Jackson's father." I tell her and she nods her head in agreement.

"I can deal with that. It gives you a little bit of time to spend catching up with your family and friends and me a little more time planning out how we're going to save my family." She turns and heads over to the little girl I found earlier who had found her brother and had a big smile on her face. I turn to see Axel right behind me. My heart races from the little heart attack it has and I stare at him as he grabs my wrist and drags me into the woods. I follow willingly until we arrive at a stream that leads into a river. It has a nice bench next to it, aimed so you could see the beautiful scenery. It was out of view site of the old building and all you could hear was the rushing water and the soft sounds of birds chirping.
"I found this place the first time I tried to escape. It reminded me of you and I wanted to bring you to it." Axel mumbled and I scrunched my eyebrows, giving him a weird look.
"You were only gone for two--" he shushed me with a soft kiss on the lips and my eyes widened in shock. He pulled away and gave me a soft smile.
"I know it was only two days but it still feels like forever to me." He muttered. I smirk and nudge him.
"What happened to the whole 'I don't do romantic' attitude?" I joke and he chuckles.
"It left the moment I kissed you for the first time." He replied softly as I stood there, mesmerized by the scenery. I turned to him and cupped his cheek I stared into his eyes and smiled. He rolled his eyes a smile on his face.

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