A Bad Girl's Venom (12)

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Picture on the side/top of what Snake's fighting outfit looks like :)

The bright lights shined on us and I squinted my eyes. I looked over at Violet and mentally cringed. She was so small compared to me at a height of 5'0, she had long brown hair that ended in two colors, pink and purple. She was wearing a purple sports bra and pink Nike shorts. Her shoes were normal boxing shoes that were pink with purple shoe laces. I looked her up and down and grimaced. She reminded me of a cliché white girl. I watched as she looked me up and down and glared. I just smirked and clenched my fists as I held them up and waited for her to throw the first punch. She threw her fist at me and I dodged it to my right and punching her side. She bent over and held the area. I stood away from her for a while waiting for her to regain her balance. The crowd was shouting at me to finish her and win but I ignored them. I leaned over closer to her ear as she started to recover slowly.

"I'm going to give you the win, I want you to punch me in the stomach and then punch me in the face. I'm going to act like that was it and fall to the ground," I whispered to her and she looked up at me through her dark eyelashes. I raised an eyebrow at her and she just stayed emotionless. She stood up and punched me in the stomach. Hard. I crouched over and held my stomach. She glared at me as she punched me in the face. The world seemed to move in slow motion and I started to fall to the ground. The fans were screaming at me to get up but all I could see was the light before I felt a hard kick in my side over and over again until something stopped it.

The lights seemed to go out one by one before I felt myself floating in the air and darkness overcome me.

I woke up in a room that had green walls and smelled like strawberries and bananas. I held my head and stood up. This has happened way too many times. I walked out the door and down the stairs to see Cassie and the boys sitting there at the counter. I trudged over to them and I looked down at the ground. I heard a gasp and I was engulfed in a hug provided by the one and only Cassie. I wrapped my arms around her and we stood in silence as she tightened the hug.

We let go and I looked up at her face to see tears swelling up in her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. I chuckled. 

"We really need to stop crying, it's making us look bad," I whispered the last part as if we were back in elementary school and we were telling a secret to one another. She laughed and nodded. 

"Yeah, I agree with you there." I looked at the guys behind her and raised an eyebrow at them. 

"What? No hug?" I joked and Jayden looked up at me. 

"Why'd you let her win?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. I looked at him in bewilderment. 

"What?" I asked in a small voice. 

"Violet. Why did you let her win?" He asked. I cleared my throat and gulped. 

"I...I didn't think it was fair. She was half my size," I lied, "Two punches from me and she would be out." I excused. Jayden scoffed and avoided all eye contact with me. 

"That's a load of bullshit," I heard him growl under his breath and Cassie scolded him harshly. Truth was though, he was right. I don't know why I did what I did or what I wanted out of it.

I looked down at the ground and sat on the couch. 

"So why did you do it Scar?" I heard Jack's deep voice ask. I looked away from them all, suddenly feeling cold and sick to my stomach.

"Scar?..." I heard Cassie trail off and I shook my head slightly.

"I don't know why," I started off my voice coming out shaky. 

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