A Bad Girl's Venom (10)

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I was very cold when I woke up from my previous slumber.

I was in a room that was painted sea blue. My favorite color. The room was decorated with very many things that were related to the sea. I looked down at the bed and it had a vertical and horizontal pattern on it. My head was spinning and I tried to sit up. I felt the blood rushing down and to other places and almost fell again. 

The voices. 

My thoughts repeated over and over again.

My legs slipped over the bed and landed on the floor. I slowly tried standing up and leaned on the wall for support.

As I got my balance, the voices started to get louder and louder. I started to believe that they were talking about me the way they said their words with so much hate. I got to the corner of the wall and turned slightly to see all the boys, my mom, and Ms. O'Connell all sitting on the couch talking. I held my side as a jolt of pain went through my body.

Slowly walking over to them, I kept my head down. I leaned on the couch for support when I stopped next to my mom. Her blue eyes were staring at me with concern as I looked anywhere but at her. 

"Are you... okay? Are we okay?" Her voice was soft and confused as she looked at me. My eyes looked around the room and darted from Jack to Axel, to Ms. O'Connell, to Jayden, to Jaxxon and landed on my mother.

I gave her this sort of fake half smile and said "No" returning my gaze back to the ground and dropping my smile. I heard her sigh and gulp. 

"W-well, is there anything I can do to fix it?" She asked. I let out a choked chuckle and shake my head slightly. 

"That's the thing, I don't even know if there's anything anyone can do," I tell her looking up at her with my teary eyes. 

"I don't even know if I can call you mom anymore." My voice cracked and I looked down at the ground again.


No one said anything for a while before my mom stood up slowly. I looked up at her and watched as she tried to keep herself together. Her eyes were red, hair tousled a little, nose and mouth red from the cold, and a miserable look on her face. She walked by Jackson and the boys and over to the door.

Her hand laid on the handle and she seemed to hesitate before turning back around to look at me. 

"The reason I never told you about your father is because he never was your father," She hesitated and looked down at the doorknob and back at me. 

"Scar, you-- you were adopted." The whole room fell silent as she opened the door and left.

I never stopped looking at the door. Not when Jaxxon tried to stop me, not when Jayden did, not even when Jack did. I stopped looking at the door when Ms. O'Connell gave me a hug unexpectedly. Her arms wrapped around me and mine wrapped around her back. My nose started stinging and my vision started to get blurry again. I let it out, I let it all out.

Everything came rushing back to me as I sat there crying in Ms. O'Connell arms.

Arrabecca is dead.

I might be the cause of her death

I have to fight the boys' sister Monday.

My mother lied to me all this time.

But most of all I was adopted.

Could I ever be the same again? Probably not. Will I be stronger now that I have all of this pain in my head and memories? Hell yes.

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