A Bad Girl's Venom (5)

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Waking up to an obnoxious voice in the morning is not how I want to spend my mornings, especially when that annoying voice belongs to my little cousin Veronica. She's two years younger than me and as a typical 14-year-old she is very talkative.

"Hey! Get up! Your mom said we can go get food!"


"If you don't get up right now I'm going to throw water on your and call you Scarlett-Miss-Pee-Pee-Pants!" Her voice started to annoy me and I couldn't be minded anymore.

I groaned and rolled over onto my side, knocking her off the bed and onto the floor. 

"Gee thanks, cuz," She muttered under her breath and I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm. I stretched and stood up, heading to my closet while Veronica sat on my bed and faced my window. I turned on the light and looked around my closet, grabbing my checkered black and white flannel along with a black tank top, black leggings, black converse, and a pair of black and gold Ray-bans. I walked out of my closet and froze.

"Hey Snake," His voice surprised me and I turned on my heel to see Veronica basically leaning out of the whole damn window. Jayden was leaning on the side of the wall in Jackson's room. Jaxxon sitting in the bean bag next to the window, while James sat on the side of the bed. Veronica's head turned so fast that she almost fell out of the window. My eyes darkened to a very dark gray and my hands clenched into fists. 

"Veronica, get away from the window right now!" I said through gritted teeth. Her green eyes looked at me with shock. A smirk grew on her face and she leaned back into the house, crossing her arms and pouting. 

"No," She replied stubbornly. I glared at her and walked slowly over there, grabbing her arms and picking her up, throwing her over my shoulder. I walked out of the room and stood her down on the floor outside of my door.

"Look, just because you're staying here for however long, doesn't mean you can just go around talking to strangers and mess with my things," I told her sternly. She avoided my gaze and looked down at the ground. 

"All I did was open the curtains," She mumbled and I flailed my arms in exaggeration. 

"Exactly!" I yelled at her and walk back into my room, heading into my bathroom with my clothes. I change quickly and finish up any other necessities.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the room to see Veronica talking to Becca who was sitting on Jayden's lap. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the window. Becca's brown eyes followed me as she watched me sit down by Veronica. 

"Hey Snake, why didn't you warn me that little miss annoying was coming over?" Her voice caught my attention and I groaned. 

"I didn't know. She thought it would be hella funny to wake me up by sitting on me and constantly talking about her flight here," I shook my head with a pained expression on my face. 

"The food was nasty and the boys tried to flirt with me. Mom said that when we got here I should try and control myself and not attack every person I see," I mimicked Veronica and rolled my eyes. The boys and Becca burst out laughing while Veronica pouted and crossed her arms. 

"In your dreams Ronnie, Scar can get more boys then you any day. In fact, she currently has two boys begging for her attention right now," After Becca said that, both rooms turned silent and her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said. I turned and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. 

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