A Bad Girl's Venom (4)

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Picture of Jaxxon on the side/top


When I was one, I scraped my head on the side of a wall once and had to get six stitches. 

When I was five, my father left me and my mother for another woman. 

When I was ten, my mother became an alcoholic. 

On my twelfth birthday, I started my fighting career. 

When I turned fourteen, mum signed into a rehab center and spent two months there. 

October 15, 2012, I got into a train accident and had to stay at the hospital for three months in a coma. 

Finally, when I turned sixteen, I wished for something more. That I would never cry again. 

Why am I telling you this? Well because you may think that I'm just some bitch that's rude to everyone and very judgmental. I'm not, I just have a lot of trust issues, as you can see.

A thump on the window interrupted me from my thoughts. I sat up and glanced at my clock, wondering who in their right mind would bother me at 9:00 in the morning on a Saturday before I walked over. I looked out and across the way to see Jackson, Jaxxon, Axel, Jayden, and Arabecca looking straight at me when I pulled back my curtains. I unlocked my window and slid it up. My bare arms leaned on the cold windowsill as I stared at them with my eyes squinted, still not fully awake.

"Hey sparky," Axel said and I looked over at him with an eyebrow raised. 

"What? Am I some kind of dog now?" I asked in disbelief. He smirked and leaned forward a little bit. 

"Do you want to be one?" He challenged and I glared at him. Becca made a choking sound and leaned forward in her spot, which was on the windowsill too, may I add. 

"Can you two not flirt in front of the rest of us please?" She snapped in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Like you don't flirt with people in front of me," I mumble and I hear chuckles from their window. I look at Becca to see her brown eyes glaring holes into my forehead. 

"Anyway, why didn't you tell me that you were neighbors with this lot, never mind the fact that you and Jacksie were window neighbors. Who knows what you two have been getting up to lately" She teased and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion while my face showed amusement.

"Jacksie?" I teased and I could see Jackson cross his arms and roll his eyes at Becca. 

"It's this new nickname she came up with. It's stupid, really," He replied and I let out a alugh before looking back at Becca. 

"What are you doing over there anyway?" I asked. She avoided my gaze and instead became interested in chipping the polish off her nails. 

"Um... Well you see...--" Jayden cut her off. 

"She came over to see me actually." His light Australian voice caught me off guard. My eyebrows raised and I smirked at her. Her eyes widened and she shook her head vividly. 

"Oh no, No, no, no oh god no!" She yelled after me as I got the binder. I walked back over to the window and plopped down. Becca put her head in her hands and groaned. I opened the big binder to the first page and read the words as if I was a narrator. 

"October 1, six-year-old Bec gave me a kiss on the cheek, it was sloppy and wet... February 15, eight-year-old Becca gave me a kiss on the mouth, I'm starting to think that she is lesbian." I paused and smirked as Becca's eyes widened and she blushed. 

"Skip ahead please!" She shouted at me and I chuckled. 

"Alright, fine, geez... May 20, Thirteen-year-old Becca has her first hook up, then she decided to call me and explain in many details about it for twenty minutes straight. December 30, fifteen-year-old Becca had her first fling. This went on till she turned sixteen, to which, June 12, Arabecca McWilliams, had her first heartbreak. I was there to comfort her for her two-week long tragedy. January 14, Arabecca got her second boyfriend, she broke up with him after two weeks and the next day she got with another guy, they lasted a week and a half before she dumped him and moved on to another guy. This train went on and still goes on to this day" I finished off and closed the book. I looked up to see all the guys looking at me with wide eyes and Becca had her mouth wide open. 

"What? I take notes on my friend's 'love lives' since they tell me about them anyway," I mumbled the last part and looked up at Becca to see her jaw clenched and her glaring at me. 

"Oh really now? You know, I would pop out a binder and say all of the slutty things you've done but you never tell us anything. Me or the girls. Sometimes we think you don't trust us," She snapped. I huffed and slouched down a little, laying my head on the wood and looking at the trees in the distance. 

"Don't trust you guys? If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have let you step a foot into my training center. I wouldn't have even let you talk to me this long. As for the binder, it's non-existent" I told her and kept my mouth shut, the wind blowing past, smacking me in the face lightly and making me want to squeeze my eyes shut. 

"What?! My best friend, the leader of the group, hasn't slept with a guy before?!" Arabecca asked in disbelief. I kept quiet and she scoffed.






"Not unless you count that one time when Jimmy bit my neck,"

"That doesn't count,"

"Then no."

"Had your first kiss?"

I took a while on this. Not because I didn't want them to know the truth, because I didn't want them to go around teasing me about the fact that I hadn't had my first kiss yet.


That small reply made them all look at me with wide eyes. I looked at them to see if my guess was correct and there they were, staring at me with their mouths turning into smirks. I raised an eyebrow at them and got up. 

"What? Shocked that the hot bad girl didn't get her first kiss ever, well unless you count the time when Becca kissed me when we were younger but-"

"That doesn't count," Becca finished for me and I shrugged. Axel looked at me and inhaled a breath through his teeth. 

"Damn sparky, if I had known that a long time ago, I would have liked you the first time I met you," He held a smug expression on his face and I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"For what? You wouldn't have liked me any more different than now. Give me one good reason why either of us would have liked each other any different than now." I said with all seriousness. I was leaning away from the window now, my eyes staring into Axel's light hazel-green ones. He stayed silent and no-one else said anything either. Becca was staring at me with a defeated expression. I turned my attention to her and glared at her for a second before returning back to my ordinary expression. 

"Don't give me that look," My voice was cold and serious. My attention turned back to Axel. 

"Exactly what I thought, nothing. Don't take me as some kind of self-hearted bitch that goes around acting like a slut. Trust me, my whole fighting career, my personality, my life... is not all for nothing. I'm not weak and I don't fall for anyone easy... ask Arabecca, she'll tell you all about my life" I calmly stood back up and closed my curtains, leaving them all in speechless. With my eyes closed and my back against the wall, I slid down to the floor and sat there with a sigh.

Why can't my life just be normal?

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