A Bad Girl's Venom (22)

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My feet splashed in the puddles as I walked across the street to my house. Today all the guys were out, training or in matches. Course, James was at home with his mom probably playing video games and eating junk food. As for the girls, they were off at the mall and training in the gym. Lilli and Charlotte had a big fight coming up next week and Cassie was off to visit her parents in Australia. I was meeting with my mom today to drop off Emily. I felt a tug on my hand and looked down. Speaking of the devil, she smiled at me and played with my fingers as I carried her to the diner across the way. I kissed her head and entered the diner. The hostess smiled at us and guided us to a table next to the windows. She brought a little kids stool and I sat Emily in it as she squirmed and played with the silverware. The waitress arrived and gave me a sweet smile.
"Hi Hun," She greeted and smiled at Emily who talked in her little baby talk and teethed on her hand.
"Are you two ready to order?" She asked and I nodded my head.
"Can I get a coffee with fifteen sugars and two creamers and the kids pancakes and sausage for her," I glance at Emily as she bangs the table with her small hands. The lady nods her head and writes it down on her notepad before putting it away and giving me a smile.

"Would you like chocolate milk or orange juice with that kids meal?" She asked and I glanced at the distracted Emily who was currently playing with her own hand. I looked back at the waitress, who was waiting patiently for my answer.

"Chocolate milk," I tell her and she nods her head and hurries to the kitchen to place our orders. I turn to Emily and run my hand softly over her hair, combing it down from its frizziness. I hear the ring of the bell and look up to see a elegant women dressed in all white, she wore tinted sunglasses over her eyes and a white fluffy scarf covered her neck. Her wrinkles were clearly seen on her face and she looked to be in her early fifties. She walked over to us and sat down in the seat across from me. Emily smiled and reached out to her.
"Mommy!" She exclaimed in excitement and the lady smiled at her, giving her a kiss on her forehead. She pulled off her sunglasses and set them on the table. Her blue eyes stared into mine and she held a friendly motherly smile on her face. I looked away from her and outside.

"What the hell are you wearing," I mutter and rub my temples. I hear a gasp come out of her mouth and I look over to see she's covering Emily's ears.

"How dare you?!" she scolded, glaring at me as I just rolled my eyes at her fakeness. The waitress came back with my coffee and Emily's drink and food. Emily clapped her small hands and began to eat her pancakes. My 'Mother' smiled at her and returned her attention back to me as the waitress left.

"If you must know, I went to church this morning," She held a stuck up look on her face and I sighed, looking out the window again.

You need Jesus more than anything you alcohol addicted bastard.

"How was she?" She asked and I glanced over at Emily who was eating her pancakes and sausage.

"She was okay, she didn't really cry and she kept quiet most of the time," I say. She nods her head and looks down at the table.

"Did you win any recent matches while I was gone?" She asked and I narrowed my eyes at her. I wondered so many things about her, things that I couldn't bring myself to answer.

"Why do you care?" I ask her, she looks away from me and back at my gaze.

"I care because you're still my daughter and I miss you. I want you to come back home to me and to spend more time with Emily. I want you to meet my fiancé and get to know him. I want you to love me again like you once did. I want you to care and love again. I want you to not look at me and hate me."I stay silent, staring at her. She sighed and looked away, frustrated with my stubbornness to not cooperate.

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