A Bad Girl's Venom (8)

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I stood there staring at the boys with a still face. It took me a few moments to realize that the girl I was going to fight on Monday is their stepsister.

"Is that supposed to make me feel bad or something...?" I trailed off, narrowing my eyes at them. I turned my attention to Axel as he responded.
"Damn, so heartless..." He muttered and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Look, just like you guys have reputations, I do too. It's probably one of the only reasons I haven't completely ignored all of you and continued with my life," I told them and leaned back in the chair. Jayden glared at me and folded his arms across his chest.
"I don't care if you fuck up me or my brothers but no one, and I mean no one fucks up my little sister." He snapped and I could see the vein pop in his neck when he talked. I narrowed my eyes at him and stayed silent. 

"Please Scarlett..." begged Jaxxon. "Scar..." Jackson trailed off and I kept my face straight and my mouth shut as I stared at Jayden. I opened and closed my mouth, thinking. 

"I'll go easy on her." I responded and a sigh of relief passes around the room. 

"Thanks, Scar," I hear Axel say and I quickly turn to him.
"Oh no, you don't get to just act like I did this because you guys asked me to, I did this so that when I win even after I go easy on little Violet, I can kick your ass and Jayden can't do a dang thing about it." I told him and  a smirk grew on his face.
"You can try princess but I don't think you'll be the one winning," He taunted and I rolled my eyes at him. My phone began to buzz and I took it out of my pocket.

Cassie Wossilek:

Snake you need to come to our training center now!

I stood up and grabbed the keys to one of the motorcycles.
"What's wrong?" Jackson asked and I looked up.
"Something happened over at the training center," I replied and walked toward the door. The boys got up and I gave them a weird look.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked them in confusion. 

"We're coming with you." Jayden stated and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So... I basically insulted Axel, claim that I have to beat your sister up on Monday, not to mention that if I win I get to beat up Axel, and you all still want to hang out with me?" I ask and they all shrug.
"We're bad boys, we tend to get into trouble for fun," Jayden claimed and I rolled my eyes at how stereotypical it was.

"I'm just going because you have the keys to my motorcycle," Axel stated and I looked down to see the letters Axel in silver on a black key chain and keys attached to the end.
"Oh," I said.
"Yeah, oh." Axel finished and snatched his keys out of my hand and put them back on the key chain holder.

I opened the door to the training center and my heart stopped. The floor was covered in blood and in the middle was the source.

A body.

Cassie, Lilianna, and Anna were looking at the body and Carabecca was comforting her little sister Lisa who was bawling her eyes out. Cassie looked up at me and gave me a sad look and looked back down. I slowly walked over to the body and examined it.

Lifeless dark brown eyes, brown hair that laid on her shoulders limp and dull, pale pink lips lost of color, paper white skin, wrists slit in big and deep vertical lines, big rope marks on her neck.

Arabecca Wintergreen.

She may have been the sluttiest person out of all of my friends but she did have a big heart. She cared about her sisters and brother and definitely cared about her friends even if she was a pain in the ass sometimes. She was one of my best friends and I loved her to death. The girl that was one of my great friends was laid dead on the floor in front of me.

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