A Bad Girl's Venom (26)

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I snuggled deeper into Axel as we continued to watch Teen Wolf on the big flat screen TV in my room.

It was Sunday afternoon and I had decided to move back in with my mom after a few discussions with her and Melissa. I had been in the gym training non-stop these past few days and I decided to take a break away from the gym to snuggle with Axel so that we could have some us time.

Plus, I missed the first two episodes of season 5 in Teen Wolf and if there's one thing the girls know about me, it's that no one gets in the way of me and my Teen Wolf. Speaking of the girls, I should see how Charlotte is doing.

Axel chuckled at a scene in the show and I smile as I feel the vibrations on my back. It sends a chill down my spine which makes me shiver. Axel glances down at me and tightens his hold on me and covers me with more of the cover.

I watch as Malia and Stiles kiss and scrunch my face up in disgust. I honestly routed for Stydia all the way. I mean Malia is pretty and all with her looks but Lydia and Stiles used to be so cute together.

Ok girly moment over.

I snap back into reality as I realize that Axel is staring down at me instead of at the TV. I look up at him with my eyes squinted.

"Why did you choose me?" Axel whispered to me. I exhale deeply through my nose as I look at him.

"Jackson's a great guy and I thought I had strong connection with him," I look away from Axel and at the coffee table in front of me.

"I was so sure it was him that I... I had sex with him, thinking that it was the right time, with me thinking I was in love with him and all. The only thing about it was, I felt no connection. I didn't feel a single spark or like it was out of love between us. I felt like I was just... getting fucked not making love. After that it was just more of a one sided kind of thing. I felt awkward about the whole thing but I tried not to show it. I guess I'm not as good if an actor as I used to be," I trail off and look down at the floor.
"I think you're the only girl I've ever met that actually compared fucking and making love together," He teased and I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully.

There was a moment of silence. The TV lights lit up my face as the sounds echoed off the walls.

"You know I always felt protective of you, back then I knew that I couldn't get too attached to you because I knew I could never have you. I knew Jackson was going to win you over and make you his," Axel said quietly. A small grin was placed on my face at the fact that he felt protective of me.

"Every time Jackson would talk to you or touch you, I just wanted to swoop in and take you away. I didn't want you to be Jackson's. You spent so much time with him that I started to get jealous and I started to get angry at you for not spending more time with me. Then, one day, everything just clicked. The reason why you weren't spending time with me and why you acted the way you did towards me." Axel kept quiet for a while before speaking up again.

"I just wanted you to love me back," he whispered. I look up at him and smile, pecking him on the lips before standing up and stretching.

"I can't say that I love you yet because we just started dating, and I don't want to establish something that I can't take back later," I gave him a soft smile.

"But I can tell you that I'm your girlfriend. Not Jackson's, not Jaxxon's, but yours," I tell him and walk over to my closet. He watched my every move and his lips parted slightly as his eyes were warm and calm.

"I'm going to get dressed in my PJ's, you can stay or go home if you want. I have a pair of sweatpants if you want them," I tell him and he gives me a small smile.

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