A Bad Girl's Venom (31)

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"Someone, took something very close to me and from the look you and your gang are giving me, I can tell they took something from you too. Now, normally, I wouldn't do this, but, if you're willing to abide by the rules and help my gang out, we can work together to get both of the things we got stolen." She paused and I kept my face emotionless and straight. My anger subsiding and my brain cells turning.

"So, are you willing to know who took your loved ones or are you going to play baby detective a little longer?" The smug look on her face made me want to punch her right then and there but I had a choice to make.

My family and friends? Or my anger and hatred of Ashley and her gang?


I stared at her for a while, a calm and collected look on my face even though I wanted to claw her eyes out and stab her to death with a fork.

I glanced at the others as they stared at me and I looked at Cassie in particular. I saw her nod her head and look away. I look back forward, towards the ground, avoiding eye contact with Ashley.

"We'll help you--" I start but she cuts me off, her glare piercing into the eyes of the others around me.

"Just you and Cassie, the rest of you will just slow my crew down." She ordered and my head snapped to look at her. She stared back with a serious, superior look on her face. I gritted my teeth as I said the rest of my sentence.

"Cassie and I will help you and your crew only if you drop from world champion and let me win the next match." I negotiated. She narrowed her eyes at me and sighed.

"I guess that's reasonable, although you could have just asked me to give you the championship. I have way better things to do then worry about some dumb trophy and name  being taken away." She said nonchalantly, chipping away at her nails. I raised an eyebrow at her and cleared my throat.

"Alright then I guess it's a deal," I shook her hand and watched as a smile etched its way onto her face.


I stepped into her room as Cassie followed in suit. The other girls had gone home since Ashley said if they followed they would be killed.


Ashley had sent a few people to pick us up and take us to her house. We had to be blindfolded and tossed into the back where they spray painted the windows so that we couldn't see at all.

I walked over and sat in one of the many chairs that lined Ashley's floor. She, herself, was lounging in one chair that reclined. Cassie sat next to me in a chair that resembled mine as it looked like a cheetah print shoe.

"So, we lined up all of the people who are after us and narrowed it down to just one person." Ashley began, combing her fingers through her hair a couple times.

"You may be wondering how we found out who all is after you but as you should know, we are one of the best drug dealing business around the world. We found out stuff that we need and make sure no one knows too much. We fm get the info we need and the people we work with get to brag about their knowing about us, it's a win-win situation." She looked at me with her crystal blue eyes and narrowed them as she looked over at Cassie.

"Anyway, the only person we could find that actually had a reasonable reason for taking what's ours is the J.K Cult. The Just Kidding Cult, or J.K Cult for short. They have a better name for their cult but we call them J.K because, well, you'll find out when you have a conversation with one of the members." She rolls her eyes as a passing guy chuckles and continues walking. I glance over at him and back at her.
"So what's the plan then? How are we gonna get revenge?" I ask and she stares at me for a while, her lips pursed and a poker face on. The click of her tongue brought Cassie's attention away from her nails and up at her.

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