A Bad Girl's Venom (33)

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I paced across the room as I thought of all the things Jackson's dad would do if I refused to marry his son. He could kill me, sue me, hell, he could even torture me! My mind raced with all the scenarios that could go on.

"Stop pacing around. You're giving me a headache." Jackson complained, eating his toast from this morning. I halted, turning to him and gave him a fake ass smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry you don't have to worry about how you're supposed to explain to your parents that you're getting married to the son of the asshole who threatened the man that kidnapped them. Or that you don't have to stress about how the fuck you're supposed to get out of all this mess and still be in a relationship with the one person you love!" I hissed at him. He rolled his eyes and muttered.

"Shouldn't be too hard to do considering that your parents don't give two shits about you and you could get just about any guy by just looking at them,"

I clenched and unclenched my fists as I tried to calm down my anger that started to rise as I listened to Jackson's bullshit. I was seriously contemplating whether I should punch him or stab him with a fork. He chuckled lowly at my expression and stopped shortly after, an evil grin on his face.

"I mean if looking at the guy doesn't work then sleeping with them for sure will. Although, you're not at all that great in bed." He jumped back as I tried to claw him to death and pummel him to death. Axel gripped my waist and pulled me back and onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my middle and rested his chin on my shoulder, sighing out in satisfaction. I instantly calmed down and only glared at Jackson through my thin eyelashes. He chuckled and finished his toast, getting up and sitting next to Ashley, who was in the living room planning our next plan of attack on Jackson's dad. The both of them whispered in what looked like a heated discussion.

I felt Axel's warm breath on the back of my neck and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. Feeling the softness of his dark hair between my fingertips. I pulled us a little closer as my back pressed closer to his front and another sigh was let out of his mouth and onto my neck. I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes, taking in the silence and emptiness of the room except for me and him.

"Yo, lovebirds, get a room will you?" Jaxxon shouted as he walked out of the room with a banana in his mouth. I sighed and let go of Axel, slouching slightly as the warmth feeling in the pit of my stomach subsided a little. I feel Axel's soft lips kiss the side of my cheek as he picks me up a little off the ground and places me on my feet. he stands up after and intertwines our hands. He bends down to my ear and whispers,

"Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to make you crack so that you'll break and go crying to him. Don't worry, we'll figure out something, princess." his light Australian accent was deeper and huskier and made me use all my strength to not fall from the effect it had on me. I looked into his dark eyes and licked my lips. I watched as his glance lingered on them before looking at the rest of my face. He settled his search on my eyes and kissed my forehead. I gave him a small smile and we walked into the living room. He gave my hand a light squeeze before letting go completely and going to sit next to Jayden and Jaxxon. James made his way into the room and sat next to Jayden. I smiled to myself as I remembered how mature he's been these two days. I turned my attention to Jackson and all happiness from my face drained as I remained emotionless. Ashley looked up at me and crossed her arms as she glanced at everyone in the room.

"Alright, so I've put together the play out for Plan Takeover the Italians," Ashley started off and a few snickers went around the room. I looked down at the ground to keep the smirk on my face hidden.

"What?" She asked, bothered by our snickers. She looked back at me and I looked up at her.

"You too? Is the name really that bad?" She asked and I kept quiet. She sighed in frustration.

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