A Bad Girl's Venom (34)

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The wind blew through my hair as I stood there in front of the boss with Ashley by my side. His face was priceless when he heard the words come out of her mouth that she was voluntarily giving me the championship. 

"Wait--why?" he asked, flabbergasted. She shrugged her shoulders and glanced at me from the corner of her eye. 

"We made a deal," She replied simply. 

"What deal?" Boss asked, completely confused by this whole thing. We had both agreed to get this championship thing settled before Ashley went on her mission to get her family. 

"She helped me, so I'm giving her the one thing she wanted and forfeiting," Ashley told him and he stayed silent. 

"That is allowed, right?" She asked him, keeping full eye contact with him. 

"Y-yeah, that's allowed," He told her and she smirked at me. 

"Well then I guess we're done here, Snake is the new champion until the next person rises up to try and take her spot," Ashley dragged my arm out of the office, leaving Boss shocked and surprised. I smirked at the fact that he didn't get what he wanted. We exited the building and Ashley gave me a hug before straightening up her posture and walking away. I shook my head at her retreating figure and walked back to my bike, hopping on and racing through the streets and back home. 

I grabbed my keys and walked into the house to see Luke chasing after Emily, who was running away with a small package in her hands. At closer inspection, I saw that the small silver package was a condom. My eyes widened and I scooped up little Emily in my arms, taking away the condom. Luke froze and stared at us with wide eyes. 

"Where did you get this, Em?" I asked her, making sure not to freak out because then she would start crying and that would get me in trouble. She pointed at Luke and I glared at him, setting little Emily down and rushing to our parents. I threw the door open and looked away from the sight in front of me. 

"Really?! You two are having sex in the morning?! Put some damn clothes on now, right now you two have to deal with the fact that your son might be having sex, considering the fact that Emily found a condom in his room!" I yell at them and slam the door behind me as I walk out and go upstairs to my room. I throw open my door and slam it closed behind me. I throw the condom package away and wash my hands in the bathroom before flopping on my bed. I let out a sigh and smile to myself. 

I'm back. 

I'm back to being the bitchy, emotionless, champion I once was. 


I'm not. 

I'm different. I'm not bitchy or emotionless or even really a champion. 

Ok, maybe a little bitchy.

But the point is, I've changed.

I'm caring and loving, and even a little girly. I cry and laugh and smile. I kiss and love and hug. 

I have a brother and sister, who I love more than anything in the world and a boyfriend who cares for me and would protect me from anything. I have friends who have my back in every fight. 

I'm not Snake, the 'I don't care' girl.

I'm Scarlett, the 'casual girl that can fight'.

The doorbell chimes through the house and I go to answer it. I open it to see all the girls and guys standing there with big smiles on their faces.

"Hey Champ," Cassie greets and I smile at her. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask and they chuckle at my shocked expression.

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