A Bad Girl's Venom (20)

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Our eyes stared into each others and I laid a soft kiss right behind his left ear before slowly climbing off his lap and walking away...

I shoot up into a sitting position and I'm breathing heavily with sweat dripping down my forehead. What the hell? What was that? I shrug it off and shiver as I realize how cold it is. I look around my surroundings to see that I had fell asleep in the living room. I look down to see that I'm wearing a loose tank top and work out shorts. I run my hand through my hair to calm down the crazy madness that I call hair. I blink a few times, trying to calm down the slight blurriness in my vision due to just waking up and leaving my mascara on. Stretching my muscles, I stand up and start to walk towards the fridge. I open it to see the most beautiful thing ever, bacon. My mouth starts to water and I stare in awe at the half empty package. I quickly grab it and pull out four strips, laying them neatly down on two paper towels and putting another paper towel over them before popping them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. I sigh in satisfaction as I start to smell the glorious smell of bacon and walk back over to the couch, plopping down and going on twitter.

I hear the sounds of footsteps and I look up to see Jayden and Axel, emerging into the room. I raise a eyebrow at them as they turn their focus to me and immediately stop talking.

"Why are you down here? I thought you were sleeping in Jaxxon's room," Jayden asked and Axel looked anywhere but at me. I sigh and lay my head back on the edge of the couch.

"One, he had his new girlfriend over and that would be totally awkward, and two, I didn't want to," I told him and he gave me a look of confusion.

"Then why didn't you just crash in Jackson on Axel's room?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him. Axel glanced up at me at the mention of his name and his eyes held confusion in them.

" I don't know, I just sort of crashed on the couch since I was too tired," I tell him and he nods his head and Axel once again looks down. The beeping sound of the microwave brings my attention to the kitchen. I walk over to the microwave and take out my bacon, inhaling the delicious aroma coming off of it. I smirk as I see the two boys practically drooling over my bacon. I take a piece and bite it, chewing it in front of them and going back to my original spot.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask and they both shrug as they start to fix their breakfast, Axel making cereal and Jayden making toast and jelly.

"Maybe," I feel his warm arms wrap around my waist and I feel my heart stop for a short second.

"We could go up to my room and play mommy and daddy," He whispers into my ear and I turn my head slightly towards him, listening to his words. I look over at Axel to see him glaring at our figures, a distasteful look on his face. He averts his eyes and walks out of the kitchen and grabs his keys, walking to the door and leaving, making the door echo as he slammed it. I sigh and unwrap myself from Jackson's embrace and walk into the kitchen, finishing my bacon and throwing away the paper towel.

"We could always just chill, nothing ever stopped us from doing that," Jaxxon suggested as he came downstairs, his clingy girlfriend at his side, her hands resting on his bicep and a smug look on her face. She was wearing one of his shirts and nothing else apparently except for maybe one of his boxers or her underwear. Slut. She literally met him two days ago.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, reading the bold letters.

She-Devil: Look, I know you hate me and everything but I need a small favor, Me and Gary are going to be going out of town for two days so I need you to watch the baby for me, please. I know you don't want anything to do with me and you don't have to, just spend a little time with your baby sister for two days and then after that, you won't have to hear from me or Gary, or anyone else that has anything to do with me. Please, please, just do this one favor for me. Please, I'm begging you.

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