A Bad Girl's Venom (15)

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If you guys missed the last message about my new book Bad Boy Good Lips then make sure to go check that out it's a great book and I hope you guys will like it.

Anyway back to the real shit!

The smell of spray paint and the outdoors fill my nose and I scrunch up my face in disgust. I never did get used to the smell but it's what comes with wanting to do something I enjoy.

I shook the can of black paint in my hand and started my painting, thinking intensely about the picture in my head. I smirk to myself as Jack starts to set up his stuff beside me. I have to admit, he looks pretty good right about now. He wore a red and black plaid shirt that had the sleeves cut off, exposing his extremely muscled arms and tan skin. He wore skinny jeans that made him just look even sexier in a whole other type of way. He wore a bandana on his head that held back his silky smooth waves that he called hair and exposed his forehead that had beads of sweat. The thing that made my smirk grow was that he wore the original black and white converse, showing off his childish side as he smiled showing his perfect white teeth. I blushed lightly as I realized I had been thinking like a creepy teenage girl about Jack.

I continue with my painting but can't help not to notice that Jack was constantly glancing at me.

"Is there something you need?" I ask him trying not to sound too harsh. His eyes show amusement and he smirks.

"Yeah, do you have a black or red that I could borrow?" He asked and I roll my eyes at him and pick up my red, tossing it to him.

"Keep it, jerk," I mutter the last part and he clutched his chest, mocking pain.

"I'm wounded by your harsh words," He joked and I rolled my eyes at him. I couldn't help but feel the smile make its way onto my face.

"Hey jerk face, you feeling like breaking anytime soon?" I ask him with a smirk on my face and he shakes his head as he starts his painting.

"Well then I'll just have to do something about that, huh?" I ask seductively and set down my spray paint and slowly walk over to where he is and start to trail my fingers over his arms and biceps and stop when they reach his shoulders in an unbearable slow pace. I feel him freeze and he shivers. My smirk grows and I start to kiss his neck slowly and turn and walk to the front of him and pull him closer to me as I swing my hips in circles slowly and sexily. I hear him let out a throaty groan and he tangled his fingers in my hair and grabbed a handful before pulling my head back to look him into his dark brown eyes. He gets closer to my face and I'm surprised slightly that no one had noticed our inappropriate attitudes but at the same time didn't give a fuck at the moment.

His breath fans my face and my eyes stare intently into his.

"You're not making me want to kiss you," He trailed off starting to get lost in my eyes.

"You're making me want to fuck you like no tomorrow," His husky voice made me want to melt and I felt a shiver coming on as I stared at him, our gazes locked. He searched my face looking for a reaction and pulled away from me.

"But I'm going to ignore my hormones and win this fucking bet." He muttered more to himself than me and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he stepped away from me.

"But you better believe you're going to get punished for this later," He growled into my ear and walked over to Axel, who was standing at the other end of the wall.

I smirk to myself and walk back over to my drawing, continuing my painting and grinning as it started to get its form.


Two hours later, I stand back and admire my work. Cassie walked over to me and smiled.

"Great job, Scar," She compliments and I smirked.

"Thanks," I replied.  Megan walked over to me and gave me a high five.

"You still got it," I nod and look over the painting. It was a painting of a girl with black hair who wore a mask over her nose and mouth and had a spray can in her hand that had the numbers 94 on the front. (picture on the side/top)

The others gathered around mine and started signing their names on the sides and making little quotes around it. I smiled as I watched them and began walking away.

Maybe I am changing. 

Maybe I'm changing for the better or the worse. I quit fighting, I'm not as tough as before, and for the worst, I'm falling for a guy that could break my heart into a million pieces. 

I sigh and crack the little leaves under my feet as I jump from rock to rock. I hear movement from behind me and turn to see an evil grin pointed my way and my heart stops.

"Hello again, Scarlett,"

Ohhhh..... Who do you think that was? How do they know Scarlett's name? So many questions.

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