A Bad Girl's Venom (19)

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I lounged in the chair, watching Jayden as he tried to win an arm wrestle with Jack. I squinted my eyes as I glanced down at his biceps that grew bigger when he added more pressure but made no move whatsoever.

"You're adding too much strength way too early," I comment and his jaw clenched.

"Shut. Up. Snake," He muttered through clenched teeth. I smirk and kneel down to his level, seeing as they were sitting in chairs.

"You see," I start off and press my index finger and thumb on Jack's sides of his wrist. His eyes snap to mine and I just give him a smirk.

"The secret is that these two points right, when added pressure, send off the most uncomfortable feeling ever throughout the arm," I pause and add pressure to his wrist. I watch as he winces and pulls back his wrist from my hand. He sends me a glare and I just shrug and look over at Jayden.

"He moved away, automatic forfeit, you win." I tell Jayden and I watch the smile grow on his face.

"Not fair, you cheated!" Jack objected and I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's arm wrestling, there's no such thing as rules," I shoot back and he narrows his eyes at me.

"If there are no rules then how is that a forfeit?" He asked, as if I was saying the dumbest thing on earth.

"Um, duh, everyone knows that if you pull away then you're quitting which is an automatic forfeit," I reply and get up, walking away and up the stairs. I walk into Jaxxon's room and see him sleeping shirtless and snuggling into his pillow. I smirk before running up and jumping in the air, landing right on Jaxxon. I feel him move from under me and I start poking his cheek and face in general. I pinch his cheeks and stretch his face. I start blowing air in his ears and I'm about to mess up his hair even more when I feel him start to move. He turns his face and stuffs it into his pillow. After a while, he groans and turns his head again, this time blinking his eyes and squinting them at me, taking in my presence.

"Go away," He mumbles and I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm bored. I have drama shit to deal with and you're the only person I actually like in this whole damn house." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Not like that you dimwit. I meant you're my only friend in this whole house," I rolled my eyes at his dirtiness. He snickered at the comment and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What about your fuck buddy, Jackson?" He asked sarcastically and my eyes widened at him.

"We did not have sex," I groaned in annoyance. He chuckled at my reaction.

"That's not what it looks like," He muttered and stood up, his toned and chiseled abs catching me off-guard and making me want to drool just staring at them. 

No, I don't like Jaxxon, he just has a nice pack of abs. Shit I have enough to deal with already.

"Well how does it look like then?" I asked him, running a hand through my hair in frustration. He looked at me and smirked.

"It looks like you're just itching to have that big long-" I cut him by putting my hand over his mouth.

"No! We didn't have sex! How many times do I have to tell you?!" I whisper yelled at him. His smirk grew wider. He touched my hand and pulled it away from his mouth, staring intently into my eyes.

"As many times as I feel like it," He got closer to my face and I could feel his warm breath on my face but I stayed frozen in place.

"I may be nice to you," He paused, looking into my eyes, once again, "But don't forget that I'm still a bad boy no matter what," He whispered. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head, inching us closer to the wall behind me.

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