A Bad Girl's Venom (7)

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Picture of Cassie on the side/top


"So you're telling me that you've never been to the beach before?" Jackson asked in disbelief. I nod and sigh.

"I never really had time for it I guess," I shrug and we continue walking. Jackson looked over at me and smiled. I glanced and him and cracked a small smile.

"What?" I ask and he just shakes his head.

"Nothing just-- Nothing," He finished and his eyebrows scrunch together like he's trying to decide something. I turn my attention back to where we are and see that we're on a rock and under us is an entire ocean for which, has a shore covered in the sand where kids are playing and adults are sitting in their chairs, smiling as they watch them run around and giggle. A small gasp escapes my mouth and I put my hand over it. My eyes light up and I start to smile. I turn to Jackson and he looks at me with a smile before I give him a hug. I can feel his arms wrap around me almost as a reflex. The hug is warm and comforting as the sun shines on us and it seems like an hour for what is only a couple of seconds before we let go of each other. I laugh and run down the hill, taking off my shoes along the way. I feel the sand between my toes and the warm breeze blow past me as I run to the water. I stand where the water reaches to my ankles before I stop and look out at the ocean. Jackson comes and stands beside me as he puts his hand in his pockets. With my eyes closed, I smelled the fresh sea air and listened to the atmosphere around us. I felt his arm go around my shoulders and pull me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled.


I giggled as we walked back to the house.

"...And he has the nerve to say that I'm the one in the wrong lane! The guy was driving backwards in my lane!" Jackson exclaims and we both burst into giggles.

"Well, well, well... look boys, the girls are home!" I looked up to see Axel and the rest of the boys standing and sitting around a tree. I rolled my eyes and we start to walk past them.

"Where you going babe?" I heard Jayden's voice say. I stuck my middle finger up in the air and continued walking. I heard several footsteps come after me and pretty soon the whole gang was behind us.

"So did you guys kiss? Or did you make out? Oh man, did little miss daredevil have sex with you yet?" Axel faked shock and smirked. I paused and turned around. I glared at his light green eyes.

"Axel, please do us all a huge favor and shut the fuck up, kay? All you ever do is try to make me crack and cry and beg for you to leave me alone but guess what? That's never going to happen because I've been through way worse than some pussy that only gets pleasure off seeing others get angry and hate him. You're just a sad little teenager that can't take the fact that a hot bad girl doesn't want to have sex with him because she saw how much more of a dick your personality is than your actual dick!" I snap at him and turn back around. I walk faster towards the house and jump up the few stairs. I swing the door open and walk over to the barstool. As I sat down, I watched Melissa move around and cook. She paused when she saw me and gave me a small sympathetic smile.

"Honey," She started off and grabbed a strawberry.

"You know I'm not mad at you right? It's just been a while since one of the boys had an outburst so I guess I got a little frightened when a girl like you yelled like that," She bit off the strawberry she was eating and glanced at the door at the same time I heard the boys walk in. Jaxxon sat by me in the chair and James came down from upstairs and sat on the other side of me. I gave her a small smile and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, I know," I looked down at the counter and folded my hands together.

"I-is something wrong dear?" She asked and I looked up at her.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's just that next Monday I have this big fight coming up and I haven't practiced in a while" I told her. Her eyes widen and she avoided my gaze.

"Oh. Ahem... Who are you fighting?" She asked and I scratched my arm.

"Uh... I think her name was Violet?" I say and I hear a couple coughs and choking sounds. Jaxxon looks at me with a shocked face.

"You're fighting Violet Magee?!" He asked in shock. I nod and shrug, looking at all the boys around me.

"What's so bad about her?" I asked and they all looked around the room at one another.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Jayden looked at me and gulped.

"Violet is our step sister."



Hey everyone,

So who was expecting the boys to have a step sister?

First of all, for all of you going 'Huh?' right now just know that Ms. O'Connell had a 'Ms.' in the front of her name for a reason.

What do you think is going to happen at the match? Is Scar going to back down or is she going to fight Violet even though she is the boys' sister?

Find out in the next chapter coming next week.

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