A Bad Girl's Venom (6)

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Picture of Jackson on the side


The first thing I saw her do was to stop breathing. Then smile, and then cry in my arms. She pulled away and wiped her eyes before looking at me with a goofy smile. 

"That's great, but why are you crying about it?" I stayed silent and wiped under my eyes before standing up.

Why was she so happy? She hasn't even met my dad and now she's all ecstatic about someone she hasn't even seen in not one picture? What is she hiding from me? What did my mother not want me to know? Why did my dad leave? Did he even love me? Does he even love me now? 

It felt like that day again except this time, more confusing questions.

 I felt a slap on my cheek and then water splashes my face. I jolted up and looked over at Arabecca to see her holding a towel. I could feel my gray eyes darkening and I glared at her. She gave me a nervous smile and I growled under my breath before jumping up and pinning her down to the floor.

 "How the hell do you know my dad?!" I yelled at her and she gulped. 

"You told me about him..." Her response made me sick and disgusted.

"Bullshit! I told you about what he did and how he left us! If that was all you heard about him then you wouldn't be so fucking happy about him coming back!" I snapped at her, saying the curse word through gritted teeth. 

For a while, it was very quiet and the bathroom door was open now. The boys and Melissa stood in the doorway, shocked and quiet from my outburst. Then Arabecca pushed me off her and stood up, I followed her actions and stood farther away. 

"Your mom has been meeting with him secretly. She... thinks that she is protecting you or something," Becca looked defeated and leaned against the wall. 

"Protecting me from what?" I ask her. 

"I don't know, every time I ask her she just says some weird shit like 'from what she doesn't know' or 'myself' but the thing is, Scar, she's insane and unstable. She isn't stable enough to take care of you!" She yelled at me, her eyes masked with concern. I scoffed and looked away from her for a second before looking back at her to see her barely looking at me. 

"You don't think I know that already? She was unstable the day she gave birth to me! She didn't know what the fuck she was doing but she did it anyway. My dad leaving was just a push to get her back on her 'normal' track. My mom already had the drugs and the alcohol, she just didn't have any reason to use them. Now she does," I told her. I wasn't sad or confused if anything I was more pissed then disappointed. 

"If you knew she was unstable then why didn't you dump her and live by yourself?!" It was silent for a few moments before I glared at her. 

"Arabecca," I warned, "Leave now before I say something I might regret."

She stared at me long and hard before shaking her head vividly. 

"No, no... please don't shut me out. I have nowhere else to go and you know it," She whimpered as she leaned on the back of the wall. 

"You're all I have left." A tear slid it's way down her cheek and disappeared under her chin. 

"Fuck you Arabecca, I don't know what the hell happened to you and Cara but you two need to get your acts together because sooner or later you're both going to lose it and you're not going to have me there to put you both in your right minds!" Her eyes lit up and she looked at me in relief. 

"That does not mean you get to come in here and cause trouble to this family whenever you want and however you want," With my final words I dragged her sorry ass out of the house and onto the sidewalk. 

"Start walking now and maybe you'll find your way back home!" I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes at the air as I saw it was going to start raining again soon.

"But what if I don't find my way back?" She asked in a broken voice. I looked back at her with an emotionless face. 

"Not my problem anymore," I told her and watched as she slowly turned around and started walking away. I looked back to the door to see everyone staring at me including Melissa. I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile and looked at her. 

"I'm gonna go for a walk if that's okay with you Ms. O?" I asked and she nodded her head and gulped. 

"That's completely fine dear, just as long as you come back before 10:00 pm," She demanded and headed back in the house with all the boys except Jackson following her. Jaxxon stopped at the door and looked at Jackson. 

"You coming, Jack?" He asked and glanced at me. Jackson looked at me while he answered. 

"Nah, I think I'm gonna take a walk too" He replied and Jaxxon seemed to hesitate before answering. 

"Ok," He walked back into the house, closing the door behind him. Jackson walked down the steps and stopped right by me. 

"Come on, we have to talk" With that, we began a very long walk that I did not want to go on anymore.

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