A Bad Girl's Venom (18)

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The wind blew as we all stood posing on a rock. Megan had gotten the brilliant idea of all of us girls to pose on a rock like models. I was currently looking off into the distance and sitting in the front on a big rock. The boys were all sitting a couple feet away from us on benches and leaning on trees, watching. They had brought a guy name Bryant to take pictures of us and I have to say, he was quite a professional.

"Good, good, now Anna, look to your right and try and keep a straight face." Anna obeyed his commands and we continued to pose. I took a glance at the boys without turning my head, not wanting Bryant to yell at me and tell me I'm facing the wrong way. I saw that both Charlie and Jack were looking at me and I tried my best not to smirk. I heard the click sound of the camera and let out a long breath that I didn't notice I was holding. I turned my head and jumped off the rock, landing on the soft green and brown leaves.

I smiled devishly to myself and grabbed a handful, throwing them at Charlotte. After a little bit of convincing, Charlotte decided to join our gang but she said that she was only going to try it out for a month before finally deciding. She glared at me playfully and jumped down, grabbing a handful of leaves and throwing them back, resulting in me getting crunched up leaves in my hair. I gave her a glare and she laughed at the sight of me before running away. I chased after her with a ball of leaves in my hand and a grin on my face. I came tumbling down on her and we rolled down the hill, laughing as we hit the bottom. The boys gave us weird looks but we just ignored them and tried to calm down our laugh fest. I stood up and held my hand out to Charlotte, who accepted my request as I hauled her up and onto her feet. I dusted off the leaves on my shirt and Charlotte helped me pick out the ones in my hair.

"You two are a mess," I heard his voice say. I rolled my eyes and turned around, ignoring Charlie completely and walking towards the rest of the guys. Charlotte gave me a confused look as she caught up with me.

"What's the deal with you and him?" She asked and I just sent her a small glare, warning her not to go down the road. She seemed to get the message as she turned her head and continued walking beside me.

"I'll tell you someday," I whisper to her before sitting down next to Jaxxon and Jack. The girls traveled over while Bryant started to put up the camera.

"So Charlotte," Axel started off and Charlotte turned her attention over to him. Her face changed to an emotionless expression and she kept her eyes cold and hard.
"Yes," She responded and I looked over at her. What happened to her happy mood?

"Where are you from?" Jaxxon asked and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"That's none of your concern," Her teeth were clenched and she was trying not to show too much emotion.

"Why not? We just want to know if you live nearby us," Jack told her defensively. She rolled her eyes at them and looked away.

"I don't," Her voice was stone cold and made shivers go down my spine. She was hiding something about herself that she didn't want anyone to know about.

"Fine, do you have any siblings?" Jayden asked her. Her head turned to look at them and she held the same stone cold green eyes as before.

"Why do you want to know about me so bad, huh? Why don't you just fuck off and mind your own business," She spat at them and got up, walking away. I stared in the direction she went and grimaced. She was so different from the other girls but yet so similar in so many ways. She made me wonder questions about her past. I wanted to be her friend too but she kept pushing me away along with everybody else.

"Well, damn. She's rude as hell," Anna muttered under her breath. I sat there, frozen. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"No," I mumbled. I felt their stares on me but I didn't care.

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