A Bad Girl's Venom (29)

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Picture at the top/side of Ashley


"When are you going to let us take a break?" Anna whined. I chuckled and picked up my pace as I ran around the track.
"Never!" I yelled out into the cool night air as we ran. I had called the whole crew to workout with me at 9:00 pm instead of training at the normal training center.

"What's the point of this whole thing?" Charlotte asked in her normal dull tone as sweat glistened on her forehead. I looked over at her and smiled.
"It improves the muscles in our legs and helps us with the strength in our kicks," I replied, closing my eyes as the wind hit my face. I smirked and looked ahead.
"Plus it helps you lose weight faster," I point out and Charlotte and Axel slow down to the point to where they stop completely.
"Are you calling us fat?!" Charlotte glared at me as I passed them on the track.
I shrug and that only makes her madder. Axel pulls up his shirt to show off his tanned, sweaty, six pack that glistened in the moonlight. I had to force myself to not look as I tried to keep up my pace and not stop and touch it.
"I'll have you know I'm doing perfectly fine with my physical health, babe," My heart fluttered as I heard the nickname and I tried my best not to show the smile that threatened to spread on my face.
"Yeah, I can see that," I mutter as I pass them again and go on to my fifteenth lap. Anna comes to stop as she gets to them and flops on the floor. Not too long after, Cassie and Alice stop and bend over to try and catch their breath. I keep my pace and ignore the beating rhythm in my head and ears, I always loved a good run to clear out my thoughts. I felt as if it helped me focus and concentrate on the things I needed to worry about. Right now, all I needed to worry about was my big fight Friday and whatever trick Veronica was trying to pull.

Jackson flops next to Anna and keeps his breathing heavy and deep. Jayden tries to keep up with Jaxxon and for a while it works but then he stops as he sees a pretty girl walk by in tight yoga shorts and a sports bra. I shake my head at his attempt of flirting and continue to focus on my running. The burning in my lungs and legs increases and I clench my eyes shut to try and forget about the pain.

Pain. The images of constant punching and insults come to my mind. They hit me right and left, blood splattering onto the floor from my mouth and bruises forming on my cheekbones. I saw the kicks and the laughing kids in the background laughing at me as I was their entertainment. The human punching bag. Everyone wanted a turn, calling me slut, ugly, a monster.

But then, the kids punching me and kicking me, turned into Cara and Jaxxon The kids laughing at my pain, turned into Axel and Jackson. The kids standing around watching, turned into my mother and the rest of the girls and guys. The one friend I betrayed and let down, turned into Arabecca(remember her from the beginning?)

I was surrounded by the people who hated me the most in that moment.

But then, they all started screaming at me. I closed my eyes as their punches turned into shaking and their yells started getting louder.

"Scarlett! Scarlett" They yelled. I struggled to block them out and then, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek.

I opened my eyes to see Anna and Cassie staring down at me with worried looks while the guys were standing around watching me closely. Alice and Charlotte were on their phone, talking to people with worried looks on their faces.

"Scar!" Cassie yelled and hugged me tight. I froze in surprise and confusion.
"What happened?" I asked. Anna laid her hand on my shoulder and looked down at me.
"You were running and then you fainted. We were all so worried that you had died or something," she gave me a small smile and helped me up and onto my feet. I rolled my eyes at her jokingly and gave her a small smile back.

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