A Bad Girl's Venom (23)

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The crowd cheered as Charlotte roundhouse kicked the girl to the ground and blood dripped from the girl's nose. A defensive look laid on Charlie's face as she stared down at the girl who hit the floor three times with her palm, signaling that she surrenders. I smirk.

That's my bitch.

I cheer for her as the match ends and she wins. Charlie walks off the ring and goes back into the changing room as everyone starts filing out of the building and going up to their friends. The crew and I walked up to Charlie who came out of the dressing rooms. She had a couple scratches and a small black eye forming, but that was normal to get on your first match. She smiled at us and have me a hug.
"You did great, Char!" (Pronounced Sh•ar) I greeted and she chuckled.

"Well I learned from the best," She nudged Alice and Alice chuckled, nudging her back. 

"So, I'm thinking we all go out and party in celebration of Charlotte's win!" Cassie suggested and everyone agreed as we made our way to our own homes to get ready. 


"Jaxxon!" I called and heard his distant voice.

"What?!" He asked, walking into my room and flopping on my bed, looking at me from under his long brown lashes. I hold out two crop tops. 

"I can't decide which one to wear," I tell him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"What do I look like to you? Your own gay best friend that has fashion advice and sucks guys' faces off?" He teased sarcastically and I looked at him deadpanned. 

"No but that would be hot if you were, some girls dig the whole I'm gay feature in a guy," I say as he points to the black and white one. 

"How?" He asks in disbelief. I sigh and pick out a pair of black high waisted shorts, glancing at him from a sideways view. 

"I don't know, they like the fact that the guy's hot and sexy as hell but they know they can't have him because he likes the same sex and that seems to make him even more attractive," I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders as I pick out matching black laced underwear and some black pumps. 

"That sounds completely idiotic and dumb," he says and eyes me as I set up my bathroom and grab a towel and sponge. 

"We're stupid young teenage girls that don't give a fuck," I say and meet his brown orbs in gaze, giving him a small smile. 

"It's one reason why guys like you love us so much," with that, I close the bathroom door and lock it, starting the shower and getting ready to party. 


I clutch the drink in my hand and watch as the rest of the girls besides Anna dance and have a good time. Jackson is standing near Jayden, having a intense conversation. I can see them glancing at me a couple times as they continue their conversation. Axel is nowhere to be seen while Jaxxon is dancing with Alice and having a good time. I smile at the two, they would make such a cute couple. Jayden and Cassie would be a cute couple too if they ever got together. 

A guy with curly hair and dark brown eyes walks up to Anna. 

"Would you like to dance?" He asked her and she glanced at me. I nod my head, motivating her to go on and she smiles and giggles, joining him on the dance floor just as 'Brain' by Banks comes on.

I grin and let my hair fall along the side of my face as Jackson walks up to me and gently grabs my waist, pulling me away from the wall and bringing me to the dance floor. I smirk as I move to the beat of the music, grinding on him and doing all sorts of moves that I can tell are turning him on. I turn to him and lay my hands on his neck, bringing my face closer to his and kissing his lips passionately. He kisses back and I pull away before it got heated. I glance over at Jayden to see Axel with him, staring right at me and Jackson, a pissed off look on his face. 

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