A Bad Girl's Venom (1)

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Bad Girl- A girl no parent wants.


I sat at the table, fork in hand, scraping my plate to the sound of the clock ticking in my head. My mom was out late, again.

Ding-Dong Ding-Dong! The clock's chime was like music to my ears. I stood up and grabbed my training bag before walking out of the door and down the sidewalk towards the building covered in spray paint and chewed up gum scattered around the walls. I pushed open the door to see my squad working out and training. Their heads turned towards me as Cassie got up, giving me a slap on the back as her arm wrapped around my shoulder. 

"Snake, the one and only," Arabecca's voice echoed through the air-conditioned training center. I smirked and walked over to my area, greeting the girls as I passed.

I was a well-known champion in illegal fighting. You'd probably hear about me in just about every fighting genre ever. The small crew I had wasn't much but it was still enough for me to be proud. 

Cassie Wossilek was my main bitch and best friend. She had been my friend ever since grade school and was the one girl I knew that could take me down with a simple glare and a couple punches. The only reason she wasn't a part of the fighting career was because she wanted to start a family someday and get a job without worrying about a growing prison record that could one day fuck it all up. 

Anna Dreyer was one of the prettiest in the group and our newest recruit. Apart from her looks, she was actually more on the quiet side and was more of a kicker when it came to fighting. She held a smile on her face every time she'd take down a component and loved animals more than anything. 

Like Anna, Lillianna Stevens was also a new recruit and a good choice at that. She was the third best at our training place and was best when it came to dodging and upper body. She was the traveler out of us and her goal was mainly to travel all over the world and explore the many museums and places that she'd find. She had quit fighting in champions, along with Anna, to go on her vacations. She still trained to keep her body fit and still be up with the best. 

Arabecca and Carabecca Wintergreen were the twins of the group and were like two siamese cats. They held daring and devious looks on their faces and while they looked the same, they definitely were not the same when it came to personality. Cara was more friendly and sweet while Ara was more slutty--I mean--loose and flirty and was constantly around boys. Cara was good at Karate, while, Ara was better at Taekwondo and Boxing. 

I looked at the beaten up red punching bag before me and whistled.
"We really have been through a lot together huh?" I asked myself quietly and slipped on my gloves before turning towards the punching bag and letting all my anger out.

I punched it over and over, making sure to breathe out every time my fist hit the bag and inhale every time I prepared for another hit. I would occasionally kick the bag too every now and then to practice my technique . When I was done, I wasn' t surprised to find the training center empty and the floor gleaming from sweat and a little bit of blood. I chuckle to myself as I walk over to my bag. 

Someone must have forgotten their gloves.

I smile to myself and take off my gloves, putting them in my bag and picking it up before walking back home. 


I opened the door and saw my mother sitting on the couch, snuggled up and watching a chick-flic. She looked over at me and sighed, mumbling a few words under her breath. 

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