A Bad Girl's Venom (17)

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My head tilted back as the water trickled down my hair to my neck and down my back. A cool sensation ran through my body as I lent back upwards and ran my fingers through my long dark hair. My eyes closed and for a moment, I just emptied my mind and focused on the soothing sound of the water hitting the warm shower floor.

Of course, something always ruins the good moments.

 As I heard the sound my bedroom door closing, I snap back to reality and open my eyes.

Mom must have had something to give me.

I waited to hear her soft voice from the other side of my bathroom door and frowned when silence followed. I slowly turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body. I sprayed some perfume on me so that I stayed smelling fresh the entire day and slowly opened the bathroom door to see Jack casually laying on my bed. My eyes widened a little at his appearance and his eyes slowly trailed from my legs all the way up to eyes. His eyes were filled with lust and something else that I couldn't read. I'm pretty sure mine were filled with shock and surprise.

He got up slowly and took long slow steps towards me as I took small steps backwards until my back hit the wall. His face was inches from mine and I stared into his eyes as he held a small smirk on his features.
"You know," I started off as he started to leave kisses down my jawline.

"I-if you..." I seemed troubled to get my words out as he started to kiss down my neck, sucking and nibbling on my sweet spot as I let out a soft moan.

"If you have sex with me then I automatically win because you have to kiss me in order to have sex with me." I tell him and he pauses as he lays a sweet, soft kiss on my collarbone before looking up and into my eyes again.

"Then I won't have sex with you," He said simply and I mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll just tease you a little bit to make you feel like I'm having sex with you but won't have sex with you." He whispered in my ear as he must have seen my look of relief. My eyes widened once again as he continued to kiss my neck. His hand ran down my arm and tugged lightly at the edge of the towel. I kept my arms tightly secured around my towel and refused to give him the satisfaction. He seemed to shrug it off and instead he run his hand in circle motions on the inside of my inner thigh. I started to feel heat course through my entire body and my lips suddenly felt dry.

He continued to run his hand in circle motions inside my inner thigh until he got closer and closer to my clit. He then ran his middle finger up my center and stopped before rubbing it gently, making me moan and want more. I felt him smirk and he rubbed his fingers down and up my clit once more before pulling away completely and giving me a swift kiss on the fore head and cheek. He walked away from me and licked his fingers, glancing back at me once, a seductive look in his eye.
"Mmm.. sweet," His husky voice made me shiver and before I knew it, he was out my window and making his way to his house once again.

My mind went hazy as I tried to comprehend what the hell had just happened right about now. I scolded myself for looking and acting so innocent and vulnerable. He had just taken advantage of me and almost gave me a orgasm. 

That son-of-a-bitch.

 I'm going to get him back, I just don't know how.


After my interesting moment in the morning, I had called up the girls and told them that we needed to look for an extra girl for our gang since it's just us four. They agreed and now here we are, wandering around the skate park in hope of finding the perfect person for our group.

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