A Bad Girl's Venom (25)

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I groaned as I rolled off of my bed and hit the floor.

I hate mornings

I rub my eyes and get up, heading to my closet. I grab a black loose knitted sweater, my black high waisted skinny jeans, and a pair of high cut black converse. I grab a pair of black boy shorts and a white sports bra. I head into the bathroom and get dressed. I apply two coats of mascara to both of my eyelashes and a thin layer of eyeliner to my eyes before taking out my messy bun. My dark brown hair cascades down my back and falls in loose ringlets. I shake out my hair and grab a brush, brushing it back into a neat, fast ponytail. I start to brush my teeth and take a swig of mouthwash, spitting it back into the sink before popping in a piece of spearmint gum and grabbing my phone, heading down the stairs to meet a pair of green eyes staring back into mine. I pause as we both hold each other's arms to steady our racing hearts and surprised faces. He calms down and a smirk is placed on his face.
"You should watch where you're going, kitten," He says smugly and I get over my surprise and roll my eyes at him. I let go of him and walk around him, walking into the kitchen to see all the boys except Jayden and James.
Ms. O'Connell smiled at me and crossed her arms. I looked at her attire and snickered. She was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants, her hair was up in a ponytail and a headband was swiftly around her head.
"So what are we doing? Yoga? Cause sorry to tell you but, yoga isn't really going to help me express my feelings," I tell her and she chuckled, shaking her head at me.
"Oh no, you're going to love what we are doing," she looks down at my outfit and puts on a thinking face.
"Hmmm... I don't think you can do what we are going to do in that outfit though," She says and I shrug.
"I'm wearing a sports bra and shorts under, I thought ahead." I tell her and grab a granola bar, chewing it's yummy deliciousness.
She smiles ATMs and grabs the bar from my hand, throwing it in the trash.
"Love the healthy thinking but you might not want to eat before our little routine," she advises and I roll my eyes and groan.
"But I love food...." I trail off reaching out dramatically for my disposed granola bar. I hear chuckles from the guys behind me and turn and glare at them. Axel slips past me and pulls out the milk, drinking straight from the carton. I scrunch my nose up in disgust.
"Gross," I mutter under my breath and follow Ms. O'Connell as she headed out the door. She jumped in her black Ferrari and I climbed in the passenger side. She started the car and pulled out the driveway, zooming off to who knows where.

I punch the bag as she holds it in front of me.

"I want you to scream out the names of all the people that have hurt you," she commanded and I kept my breath steady as I did a classic 'one, two' on the punching bag.
"I want you to let out all your anger and express it as you punch this bag," I focused on her words and my glare hardened as I speeded up my punching up a little.

"Fuck you Becca," I screamed.

"Fuck you Cara,"

"Fuck you Axel,"

"Suck my dick, street fighters,"

"I hate you, you mother fucker,"

"Fuck you, drama," I yelled in anger.

"That's good, let out all that anger, I want you to let it all out and confront your problems." Ms. O'Connell demanded in a commanding voice. She held a stone cold glare on her face, a red tint mm To her entire face as she tried to act mad at me.

"And fuck you--" I threw a punch,

"You inconsiderate--" another hit,

"Prick," I screamed and threw a hard kick, making the bag fly back and Ms. O'Connell step aside and grin. She walked towards me and laid her hand on my back.

"Feel better now?" She asked and as I huffed and puffed, trying to catch my breath, I looked at her with a 'wtf' face and she stepped back, grabbing her water and taking a swig. I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my towel, drying off my forehead before walking out of the gym, Mrs. O'Connell following closely behind.

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