A Bad Girl's Venom (13)

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Thank you everyone for 1,400 reads! You guys are so amazing and I love the fact that you all are loving this book! :) 

P.S, to the side/top is what Cara looks like.


"I think it's a picture of two baseballs and a bat," Lilli thought out loud.

Cassie shook her head and tilted her it a little to the right. 

"No, I think its two small clouds and a very long cloud in the middle," She suggested and I just looked at them like they were crazy.

"Oh for the love of, Jesus Christ, it's a penis! You know, the things sluts go mad for?!" I whisper yelled the last part as an elderly couple passed by with their grandson. Everyone looked at me and started laughing.

It was a casual Wednesday and the girls had thought it was a great idea to walk around the mall acting like it was a museum and we were tourist.

Jaxxon and Jack had decided to tag along since they weren't going to pass up a free chance to see people's reactions when they hear us.

I pointed over at a little girl who was eating an ice cream cone. The girls all shook their heads and I shrugged and walked over to her. She stopped licking her ice cream and looked up at me, little droplets of brown on her chin.

I bent down to her level and gave her a small smile. 

"Such fascination, what flavor ice cream are you eating?" I asked her and her adorable green eyes stared into mine as she licked her chin. 

"Chocowit," She responded and I held in the urge to 'aww' at her small Australian accent. 

"Really? Is it yummy?" I asked and she nodded her head at me, a big smile on her face.

"Hmm, well then I think I'm going to go buy a Chocowit ice cream cone," I told her and give her a big smile. I stand up and start to walk over to the group. They are all basically pissing themselves from the amount of laughter they were in.

I scowled at them and crossed my arms. 

"Well then I guess none of you want chocowit ice cream," I said confidently and they all straightened up and looked at me with straight faces.

Cassie was still trying to stifle her laugh but slowly getting there. I rolled my eyes at her and continued walking forward.

"I still get ice cream right, Snake?!" I heard her voice from behind me and ignored her.

"Scar?!" She yelled and I scoffed.

"We'll see," I trailed off as I turned the corner to the ice cream shop. I walked over to the old lady who was working there. She smiled at me and I smiled back. 

"Can I get six ice cream cones please?" I ask her and she generously nods. 

"What flavor do you want, sweetie?" She asked and I look over the many flavors and hum. 

"Half chocolate, and half sweet cream." I tell her remembering the girl's favorite flavor ice cream. She smiles at me and starts scooping up the ice cream into cones. In the corner of my eye, I see a flick of brown hair and my eyes narrow as she passes the corner. Her head was down and she was carrying a ice cream cone in her hand.

"Carra?" My voice cracks at the end and she looks up at me and sadness flashes in her eyes before a stern face replaces it. 

"It hasn't even been a full week yet," She mumbled and looked back down at her ice cream. 

"I-I have somewhere to be," She stuttered and walked off past me, her shoulder lightly nudging mine. I stood there frozen in shock and looked up at the lady as she stared at me. She glanced back down at the ice cream cones as I caught her stare. 

"Does she work here?" I asked her and she glanced down at the cone and back up at me. 

"Yes," She mumbled after a while.

I nod slowly, taking in all the information. Cassie and Lilli came up to me and helped carry the ice creams cones. We hand them to everyone as we arrive at the large table. 

I sat down between Jack and Anna and began eating my ice cream. After a couple licks, I look up and sigh. 

"What's on your mind Snake?" Lilli asked and I shrugged. 

"She's changed," I started off and Jack looked at me in confusion. 

"Who?" He asked and I looked over at him. 

"Carra, she isn't the shy girl that we used to know, she's this cold hearted, rude, girl that I don't even know anymore." I say and Cassie snickers. 

"As if we hadn't changed," She started off sarcastically. "I mean look at us, we're hanging out with guys that we should hate, you cry practically all the time, to add to that, you quit fighting which doesn't help with this whole bad ass thing we're trying to show off to people," Cassie huffed and looked the other way before looking back at us. 

"We are shit," She whispered, running a hand through her hair. I nodded, agreeing with her. 

"We need to do something to show everyone that we haven't changed. We need to do something rebellious. We need....Meg," I told them and gasps went around the table from the girls. 

That's right bitches, 

Megan is coming back to the gang!

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