A Bad Girl's Venom (2)

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Picture of Scarlett/Snake on the side/top :)

I felt shivers go down my spine as I walked into the training center, the guys following behind. The girls were currently either sparring or spray painting the walls. I heard a whistle from behind me and smirked.

"Boys, Welcome to my humble abode!" I welcomed them. I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to see Cassie standing behind me with her arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the guys again.

"Correction, welcome to the training center!" I re-introduced and turned back around, walking over to my favorite area. The boys all split up and walked to some of the girls. Jackson walked over to my little set up and smirked.

"So... Little Snake has an actual set up," He teased and I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, I'm not little and can so easily kick your ass so don't test me and two, what are you and your brothers trying to be? Some fake bad boy look alikes?" I said bluntly and turned to my bag, grabbing my gloves and putting them on. I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist and I looked down at it to see that it belonged to Jackson. I slowly turned around to see him inches away from my face.

"We are not fake and I bet I could take you down right here right now," He growled and my smirk grew wider.

"Oh yeah?" I challenged and his eyes narrowed as they looked into mine.

"Yeah," He shot back and I looked around to see everyone else still and silent, watching us and waiting for a fight to break out. My eyes met Becky's and she smirked, nodding. I chuckled darkly and turned back to Jackson. 

"Alright, you know what? I'll fight your strongest fighter just so I can you put you puppies back in your place," I dared and this time he smirked.

"You're looking at him," He whispered so that only I could hear.

"Really now? Hm, didn't look like it," I gave him a straight face and he glared at me. We headed towards the medium ring in the back.

As I walked in front of everyone, The lights lit up with every step making things extra dramatic. I stepped into the ring and the girls and guys stood in the crowd area, watching. Jackson stepped inside the ring and I tightened the gloves on my wrists. The boys were already prepared for the gym when I invited them so all Jackson had to do was put on some gloves. Arabecca tossed him a pair and he nodded at her as if saying 'thanks' she nodded back and he got in fighting stance, me doing the same. I lifted my arm and aimed my fist at his face, waiting for the match to start.







I threw a punch and he dodged, doing a swift move to the side aiming a punch at my stomach. I dodged it by sliding back. I punched him in the stomach in a swift motion knocking the wind out of him. I smirked and punched him in the face, a black area forming around his eye. The girls were cheering me on to finish him and teach him a lesson while the boys were watching in shock at the fact that Jackson had been hit. I slid my leg under his knees, making him land on his back a shocked look on his face. I smile at my victory and let Kacey count as I begin to take off my gloves.






A smirk found it's way onto my face as I walked out of the ring, taking off my gloves. I put them back into my bag and zipped it up, putting it on my shoulder. I looked at Cassie and waved, she sent a wave back knowing that I was leaving for the night. I look back at the boys to see them walking over to me with a Jackson who was glaring at the floor with a scowl on his face. I turned back around and walked out the door and into the cold night air. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes for a split second, we all began walking back to our houses.

The walk was silent and no one really talked, afraid that if someone said something then a fight would break out.

"Why didn't you let him win?" I heard a weak voice and my heart seemed to stop for a little while. I looked to my right and saw Jayden glaring at the concrete street beside him. I took a deep breath and felt as if everyone was waiting for my response.

"I couldn't," I stated and I could see Axel glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

"Bullshit! You just wanted to win and make yourself look cool in front of all your little pussy friends! I bet that you're the only one who knows how to fight out of all of them..." he went on and on with his pathetic little insults as I ignored his whining and rolled my eyes at some of them.

"... I bet you're just some little slut that used to get picked on by everyone. Did you just become a bad girl because your ex-boyfriend decided that you were no good or may--" Next thing you know, I have him pinned up against a brick wall, my arm holding him by his neck and my eyes darkening into a very dark gray.

"Don't you ever fucking mention him ever again! Got it?!" I threatened. He glared at me and slowly nodded his head. I let him go and returned back to walking. I watched as he stumbled a little bit and Jaxxon kept him steady.

I arrived at my house and opened the door, walking inside. I noticed that the T.V was on and my mum was sleeping on the couch, soundlessly. I pulled a blanket over her and kissed her head, turning off the T.V and walking up stairs into my room. I changed into some baggy shorts and a black tanktop, making my way over to my bathroom. After getting ready for bed, I plopped on the warm comfort of my fluffy sheets and soft mattress. 

Should I have let him won?


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