A Bad Girl's Venom (28)

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I glare at my mother as she squirms uncomfortably from my intense look. The boy-- Luke-- or should I say my brother, stood leaning on the wall. He was looking down at the ground, keeping his gaze off anyone. My mother's husband sat next to her, staring at Emily, who sat comfortably in my lap, playing with my fingers. He had tried to take her away from me but she had clung onto me and I had glared at him, making him back down immediately.

"I just made up with you and you do this shit," I mutter under my breath. Luke looks up at me and glance at his mother before returning his gaze back to the ground.

"That's because I didn't expect him to come back," I heard her small voice say. My eyebrows furrow and anger grows inside me.

"I had sex with your dad a couple years later after you were born but I wasn't planning on having another child seeing as I could barely keep up with you. But I didn't want to have a abortion either. So I compromised with giving him up for adoption. I never thought he would want to come back and find me." She looked down at the ground. I scoffed and shook my head at her in disgust.

"You never thought he wanted to come back and see who his mother is?" I turned my head and looked at Luke.

"Sorry Luke," He looked up at me, giving me his full attention.

"But our mother is nothing but a lowlife, ungrateful, shit that feeds on chaos and unhappiness. I'm sorry you traveled all this way for nothing." I tell him and stand up, turning to go back to my room and slamming my door behind me as I reached it. I sat Emily on my bed and opened my blinds, seeing right into Jackson's room to see him making out with some girl with blue hair and way too much eyeliner. I sigh and shrug, closing my blinds and turn back around to go to my closet. I set my focus on a casual pair of black jeans, a white shirt with the sleeves cut off and the word rebel written on the front in sloppy red paint. I slip on a white beanie over my long brown hair and grab a pair of original black converse, before heading into my bathroom and doing my normal morning routine.

As I'm applying my mascara, I hear my bedroom door open and squeak as it does.

"Scarlett?" I hear his cool, boyish voice call.

"Hmm?" I hum, putting my mascara away and applying a small layer of chapstick.

"Why do you hate mom so much?" He asks, walking over to my bed and sitting down next to Emily, who in return, tugged at his SnapBack which made him hold onto the top of his head.

I pause and turn to him.

"Mother and I don't get along too well because I found out who she really is and how cruel and heartless she is. She doesn't like me because I'm not the daughter she really wanted," I motioned to Emily.

"Hence why she had another baby girl," I say and sigh.

"I've lived with mother for years and I still can't seem to figure out what the hell is wrong with her" I sat down next to Luke, "She's not mentally ill or disabled,"

I look at him and sit criss cross applesauce, so that I was faced towards him and he turned towards me.

"I don't know, I just don't want you to get your hopes up for something that's not worth it," I tell him and look towards the window, remembering how I got Jackson's hopes up and broke his heart. I exhale deeply through my nose and look back at Luke, who was looking down in sadness.

"Hey," I nudge his shoulder with my elbow and give him a friendly grin when he looks up.

"Just because our mom is a piece of crap, doesn't mean that I can't teach you how to fight and have fun like a badass sister would," I say smugly and he smiles at me, a glint of evil in his eyes.

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