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"So, lemme get this straight. You have an interview with me, drop your life to move here, and genuinely believed you would be able to avoid androids? Here in the heart of Detroit, CyberLife headquarters?" Fowler sounded halfway between annoyed and genuine disbelief.

Your face fell. "Captain, I... I realize how absurd it sounds. Truly. But I--"

"Detective, I hired you for plenty of reasons, the main one being your skillset. No one else I spoke with was as qualified as you. And I'm sorry, but you've had weeks to think it over." He watched you sink into a chair, defeated. "I'm not gonna rescind my offer or give you any sort of disciplinary marks. No need for that, you've barely started. But get your prejudices out of the way now. If I had to pick between you and that kid, there's no contest. Connor is a fantastic detective, but he could benefit with your training." Jeff paused, watching you stew in your embarrassment before he leaned forward. "... how bad was it back home?"

You had to swallow before responding. "I lived on Hertel Avenue, sir."

"That... sounds familiar."

"It was where the firebombing started."

The Captain let the air out of his lungs slowly as he sat back. "So you had front row seats to the horror show. Were you on duty?"

"Yes, both my partner and I were there."

"Damn." He didn't ask any more questions about the rioting, much to your relief. "Listen. I get why you're not too keen on being paired with an android. And I also get that you might end up lashing out unintentionally. Connor's a remarkable man, so I don't want to see you two clashing. Keep it to yourself. I know you've got a lot of fight in you, but... don't be surprised if he fights back."

Your eyes were lowered, but you nodded. "I've been told my attitude speaks for itself."

"You've got drive and you've got passion. Let Hank test you, so you can, y'know... show off a little. Butter those two up." Fowler grinned and chuckled when you ended up smiling. "We need someone like you around here, Detective." When the two of you stood up again, he shook your hand and didn't let go immediately. "One last thing."

"Yes, sir?"

"You know what I said about Connor, but... I might look the other way if you directed your fury at the other detective. Reed's gotten a little better over time, but now we have you around. And I'll give him ten seconds before he talks to you."

Eyes narrowed, you glanced at the precinct through the glass. "Is he that bad?"

"Like I said, he's gotten better, but... you can keep him in line, I think," the Captain added, chuckling as you finally left the office.


"What the hell happened in Buffalo?" Hank piped up. "Did the androids fight back?"

"According to news reports, roughly half of the entire city went up in flames," the android replied immediately. "The protests were tense to start with, and as they faced people lashing out more, it grew violent." Connor looked up at his partner. "... Hank, I'm almost certain that if I found her employee profile, I could trace it back to her last address."

"Shit, I'd be pissed off too after that disaster. But she moved here to Android Central." Gavin rocked back and forth on his feet. "Better stay on your toes, buddy. You don't wanna startle someone who's scared of being lit on fire."

The android's expression hardened a bit. "Detective, I'm not as interested in arson as others. Least of all to another detective willing to train me in a field I'm unfamiliar with."

There was a smirk on Reed's face, watching you finally leave Fowler's office to return. "Yeah, not if she has a real human being to train instead," he mumbled before you were in earshot. He casually approached and got a bit too close for your liking, but ignored the small step back you took. "I hear you're the undercover expert come to train our Roomba to blend in. But you're here from Buffalo? Shame. Hope you didn't get mixed up in that mess." With an awful smarmy grin, he held out a hand. "Detective Gavin Reed, sweetheart."

Oh. This ass. Your eyes drifted towards the lieutenant and the detective you- surprisingly- already preferred. But you knew how to handle yourself. "Oh... Detective Reed," you responded gently, taking his hand and offering your name in return. "You know, that name sounds... terribly familiar. And I wish I could reassure you that I was safe from all that awful violence, but..." You pushed up one sleeve of your top to show the discolored skin. "Skin grafts are hard to ignore when it's this obvious."

Watching with a good dose of interest, Hank nonetheless made a face at the injury. Connor frowned a tiny bit, moreso bothered that Reed seemed to be actually succeeding at this flirting attempt. Gavin didn't seem fazed in the slightest. "At least you're alive, though, right? But really... coming from Buffalo all the way to Detroit, knowing what androids are capable of." He took another step closer and your skin began to crawl. "... look. You and I both know you don't actually want to work with a talking recycling bin. You're here to work, and you've got a perfectly willing detective right here. You can train someone made of flesh and blood. Just say the word."

Your entire career was based around lying and manipulation. Reed still had your hand in his, so you had his attention completely. It was too easy to make your motions a bit slower, more deliberate. There was a soft, coy smile on your face. Your body language screamed that you were tempted by his offer. And he, of course, ate it up like the dumbass he was. "Flesh and blood, Detective...? I'm curious." Your gaze landed on the android again for a long few seconds. "See... I have two men here, both detectives, both made of completely different materials." Your free hand made a motion towards Connor. "On one hand, we have a capable detective made of recycled tin cans and antifreeze." Now your hand laid on top of the one still clutching you. "And on the other hand, we have a detective made of hot air and bullshit."

While the android and his partner were barely holding back their laughter, Gavin didn't even try to disguise how pissed he was. "I'm n--"

In a flash his collar was in your hand, catching him off guard. "You know, Detective, I remembered why your name was familiar. It was plastered all over the sexual harassment forms I'll be filling out. Should I get a head start on them now, or wait until you're finished performing the world's worst mating dance?"

Reed audibly growled, wanting to actually hit you away but retaining enough sense not to raise a hand against a woman. "If you're gonna be a fucking bitch--"

"I am not one to piss off, Reed-y boy. Bet."

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