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One day and ten dozen punches later, Hank was helping you carry what few belongings you had into his car. None of your punches really hurt, they were more for the sake of your pride... which only made him laugh. You continued to grumble under your breath, handing the box to Connor, who seemed to be a Tetris professional when it came to this sort of thing. "So how long are you planning to be mad at me, Detective?" The android's cocky grin made you glare. "Better living with me than getting shot."

Out of habit you waited for some sort of sexual joke. But you were only gazed at curiously, both of you expecting... something. Sighing through your nose, you turned away to head back into your now-old apartment, only for Hank to hand you another box. "Last one. A lot of that other shit can be bought again, food and cleaning stuff. The usual. But all your assets are out, so now you can move in properly."

The bed itself had been taken apart and driven over earlier that morning. After all, the lieutenant's car could only hold so much. Reality began to sink in as you went to drop the apartment key into the little mailbox, nailed to the wall outside the office. So by the time you rejoined the pair you kept your gaze on the pavement, barely noticing the snow starting to fall.

"Is there enough room for the two of you, or do we need a taxi," came the human's gravelly voice.

"In order for everything to fit and be able to unload as well... no, there is no room." From his pocket your Roomba handed his partner one of the keys. "I already have a list of items we need, so would you be willing to drop off her things, Hank? Or would you rather go shopping with me?"

There was a peculiar smirk on the RK800's face, and you discovered why: Hank groaned and winced, waving the kid off. "No, no, fuck that. You two go nuts. I'll drop this stuff off; anything's better than shopping."


For the most part, the shopping was for you; there was only one being in the apartment that needed to eat, after all. But it wasn't just food; the two of you needed a good deal of... everything else. "Most of the larger items can be delivered to us," Connor spoke quietly. "Will you send me a list of what you want?"

At that point you were getting overwhelmed. "...... Connor. I just... don't. Okay? Please don't." A hand went to your shoulder, and you physically shoved it away. "Don't," you repeated. "I know you're trying to help but you have no idea how I'm feeling right now."

The android leaned forward on the cart he'd been pushing, watching you use the wall beside you for support, your face closed off from the world.

[I know what I want to do, but it isn't what must be done.]

Giving you a few minutes to collect yourself, your trainee only spoke when your expression came to life a little. "... Detective. I lived with Hank. If you think I don't know my way around a stubborn being, then you don't know me as well as I'd hoped."

"No, you don't fucking get it," you hissed through gritted teeth. "This has nothing to do with you helping me. It's the fact that you're treating this entire set-up casually. Not everyone has the kind of money you seem to, and it is killing me that you don't find an issue with just... doing this to me!!"

Blinking slowly, the android wasn't fazed by your rant. "Most of what is needed I am merely asking your preference on. To be kind and so that I learn your tastes, considering you are training me. The handful of items that would go in your room specifically you have free reign on. For the most part, Detective, stop assuming that I am trying to treat you as something more than a coworker." His voice, always so reasonable, was sharp and low, betraying his own anger. "Your upset at me is unnecessary; I would do this for anyone I consider a friend. I would rather put the money to good use for the both of us instead of sitting back and hoping I am not called to a crime scene bearing your goddamn address!!"

Now the both of you were fuming in the middle of a grocery store. But like it or not, you were stuck with the goddamn talking Roomba. You let your control slip a touch, pushing from the wall and getting into his face. "If you wanted to help you'd fucking ask how you could help! But no, you and your fucking partner decided that the best course of action was to do it yourselves, then throw me into the middle of all this, assuming I'd be fine!"

"Because we knew you would have refused everything we tried otherwise! If I had asked you'd have found some way out of it! Contrary to popular belief, Detective, I am not incapable of reading the fucking room!!" Now it was Connor's turn to step away, back turned to you and his hands laced together behind his neck. It didn't last long, as he soon returned to the cart- and you. "I told you to suck it up. I wanted you out of that awful neighborhood because I have a fucking heart!! How fortunate that I am a detective, however, because you seem to have misplaced yours!!" When you lost a bit more control and snatched his collar, the RK800 just chuckled. "Are we assaulting an officer, then?"

"You're provoking one," you spat back. Still, you didn't release him. "You're fucking lucky, RK800. We're in public and I can't exactly dismantle you like I want."

"You wouldn't be able to. You threaten me but forget that I can, and will, take you down." The smug expression was one you'd take great pleasure in carving off. Connor's voice dropped, almost purring. "And yes, Detective, this time I am challenging you. We finish here, return to OUR apartment, and we shall see who takes down who." To top it off, he threw a wink at you. "Do you accept? Or will you swallow your pride and admit that you overreacted?"

Eyes narrowed, you jerked the android a touch closer. "You have no idea how much I look forward to breaking your fucking face in."

"Of course... if you're able to lay a hand on me."

(I realized that I asked awhile ago if people wanted smut. This is when it starts, I think, lmao)

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