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While the lieutenant and his partner went back and forth on ways to settle your attitude, you made a beeline for the waiting area once you were out of the bathroom. Standing at one of the coffee machines, you sensed motion nearby, and the clearing of a throat before you turned to look.

It was Reed, and you made a fast jerking motion before he held his hands up, backing up a little. "I-I know, I know! I know. Not trying to sneak up, okay?" Slowly you eased the tension, but kept a wary eye on him as you made your coffee. "I, um... I... actually came to apologize to you."

"Are you doing this because you realize you're an ass, or are you doing this on the Captain's orders?" you replied coolly.

His hands slid into his coat pockets. "The first one, okay? Sure, Fowler has a target on my head, but..." Gavin scoffed, looking aside. "... you want the truth? You scared the shit outta me."

Your coffee in hand, you looked away for a bit, then back at the detective. When your careful steps came closer, he looked towards you again. "... he did say that you've gotten better. And accountability is a large part of that. While I can't say I'm against hostility in the workplace, namely because I've already decked the android I'm here to train..." He snickered a little. "... Do two things for me, Detective."

His eyes almost lit up. "Really? That easy?"

"Don't push it," you spat, making the light die out again. "One, don't come onto me. My career is built on tricking people; sorry to say, you were an easy target." Reed sulked but nodded. "And two... let me interrogate you."

Now he was lost. "Why? I mean, okay, what I did was an asshole move, but why interrogate me?"

Sipping at the coffee, you raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's not a normal interrogation. They want to test me, so I'll hook you up to a polygraph."

Mouth working, he thought it over. "This isn't some ploy to stab me in the back, right?"

"Reed, I barely know you. And the first impression I got was abysmal." Your voice went softer. "They want to see what I can do. Help me show off." Then you added, "Help me show that plastic flirt that I'm more than capable of outperforming him."

Plastic flirt? "Now I know you're fucking with me. Connor does not flirt. Period."

"I'm not imagining things, Reed. I know what flirting is. Your attempt was too blatant, and his is... restrained. Now are you letting me do this or not?"

The male sighed. "... sure. Just... one small favor. Please."


"... please just call me Gavin." His mouth thinned out. "Everyone just... uses my surname. I get it, that's my name, but... first-name basis is nice, too. I'm a shitty person but I'm fuckin' trying over here."

This was curious. And you realized it was also perfect for what you needed. Because whether he was being honest or trying to outsmart you didn't matter if you were setting up a polygraph to him. "... well, I'm a naturally suspicious woman. But your body language says you're being honest at the moment." You turned and started to leave, but glanced back. "Gavin, come on. Test time, please."

When you returned to Hank and his plastic lapdog, they both openly stared when Reed joined you. "... what?" Gavin asked, holding his hands up a bit. "I'm guinea pig for her polygraph test."

Everything seemed wrong. "Is that the truth?" Hank asked of you, arms crossed. "He's not exactly... reliable."

"Which is why it's a polygraph test, not a normal interrogation," you explained. "If he's lying, we'll know. Easy as pie."

Unconvinced, the lieutenant still led the growing group into one of the interrogation rooms. "All right, Reed, take the suspect seat," he muttered, already exhausted by the whole ordeal.

Gavin sat down and got comfortable, but when you stood beside him, he groaned. "Really?" Holding out his hands, they were locked in at the table. "... long as no one tries to shoot me, I guess."

"Oops. Everyone dump your ammo," you called out. The only one not grinning was your polygraph victim.

"... Detective, I don't detect additional ammunition where you'd typically keep it," the android chimed in, unable to hide his smirk.

Your head snapped in his direction. "You mean my tits? You aren't detecting bullets around my fucking tits, Connor?!"

His eyebrows came close. "The fabric you're wearing is not thick enough to mask any foreign objects beneath it. It would have been extremely obvious if you had another clip under it."

He had practical answers for his flirty commentary. It was already under your skin, but this felt worse. You stormed over and got in his face, since the heels helped the height difference. "If you think you can keep making comments and hitting on me just to piss me off, you'll find out how much I can bend metal, RK800."

Blinking slowly, Connor tilted his head. "I'm sorry, Detective, but that wasn't an attempt to flirt. That was merely observation." His head inched closer. "Flirting would be suggesting I pat you down to be absolutely certain you're out of ammo. But that is inappropriate and disrespectful. I will not touch you without consent." When you let out a strained growling sort of noise, the android's voice dropped until only you could hear. "So just let me know when you're ready for me."

Before you could throttle the rusty tin can, Hank snatched you up, arms under yours and holding you up so you couldn't move or start throwing punches. Your face was as red as it could get, but your thrashing wasn't helping. "Hank let me down I'll fucking reassemble his sorry ass!!! LET ME DOWN!!"

While you fought tooth and nail against your cursing restraint, and the android stood up straight like nothing had happened, the detective cuffed at the table watched in awe. You really weren't kidding: Connor was flirting. With a hell of a reaction on your part. The real question was how long it was going to last. Gavin waited patiently for another minute or so before finally speaking up. "So, is this a bad time...? Should I come back later after you two have had couple's therapy?"

Now you were trying to thrash to get at Reed. Connor at least had the decency to drop the smug air about him, his face nervous but trying to smile.

Hank just laughed his ass off.

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