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All too soon you were climbing into the back of Hank's mobile dumpster, with the detective formally known as Connor sitting beside you. As the lieutenant drove to the west side of the city, you kept stealing glances at your Roomba, hardly able to believe it was still him.

He caught you watching and smiled a touch. "Trust me, Detective. You've taught me well, and I will prove that it has not been for naught." His hand covered one of yours, squeezing gently. "What's our story?"

Shaking your head to clear it, you scrambled to piece it together. It was mostly the same as it had always been, but now you had to remove Cloud and insert Connor in his place. "We're coming in from Buffalo, headed through to get to Canada. I have family up north. Back home, my ride was destroyed, and I'm obviously still pissed. We don't know who did it but we've been hearing that it's still going on, headed the same way we're going. Family comes first, but if we find the bastard that wrecked my baby, you'll rip him a new asshole."

All the information the RK900 had passed to him suddenly made more sense. It was a backstory to go with your motive, in case others started asking questions or wanted to make conversation. Being friendly was always crucial, but a biker bar might still be challenging. "Then we're still posing as a couple. Cloud transferred some details about how we met, but I've noticed that he removed his involvement and replaced it with mine. Now this makes more sense, Detective, thank you."

While Connor pulled his hand away, holding two fingers to the base of his throat, Gavin spoke from the passenger seat. "Listen. I can't say much, cause those fuckers always give me shit, but I don't know if androids are welcome or not. Either way, get whatever information you can and get the fuck out. If you got into trouble, or worse, I wouldn't h--... uh, we. WE wouldn't handle it well."

"We appreciate the concern, Gavin, but we'll be all right," came the voice beside you. Hank damn near hit the brakes in his surprise, and Reed twisted in his seat to stare again. "What? My voice module can be altered to any degree I need, and my default settings will give me away." Connor had lowered his tone just enough to be believable, and there was a rough edge to his words that you somehow felt down your spine.

When the car pulled over, sooner than you'd have liked, Hank sighed heavily. "We'll be nearby, no matter what. Gavin and I can only do so much at the crime scene, so get in, get what we need, then get out. Even if it takes all fucking night. Those two were killed brutally, we need to stop this asshole before he hits again."

He'd parked a good distance from the bar, so there would be no witnesses watching the two of you climbing out of a well-known vehicle. Walking down the sidewalk towards the bar, you were gently pulled a little closer, the android's gentle voice close by. "We can do this. I will protect you. Your hands are unsteady and your heart rate is increasing the closer we get, so I know you are nervous." Connor stepped in front of you, taking your hands. "Please. I promise you I can do this."

Mouth thin, you nodded, uncertain if you could manage words at that point in time. But you forced yourself to speak anyways. ".... I'm just... for your first field duty, this is something only highly experienced--"

Why he did it, he didn't know. But the RK800 cupped your neck and tipped your head back, using a slow kiss to stop your nervous chatter. "Have faith in me," the android murmured against your lips. "Your lessons make perfect sense now that I am using them." Stealing another kiss, he pulled away, arm around your waist. "Let's get this shit over with," his altered voice added.

The man at the door to the bar was more intimidating than you'd have liked, but Hank had said he was in on this. You still didn't like how he stared the two of you down as you approached. "Can I help you?" he grumbled, voice dripping with suspicion.

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now