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With the atmosphere no longer painful, the RK800 did not dread being pulled out of the long hallway and into the club itself. On instinct, his arm slid around your waist. You were acutely honed in on the fact that Connor didn't touch your skin; he kept his hand over what was covered. For that matter, even when he'd pulled you against him earlier, his hands had taken your hips... where they were covered.

Even when he's almost aggressively flirty, he still takes care not to touch me.

... so just let me know when you're ready for me...

Thank fuck the club wasn't lit too brightly; your face was burning again.

Guiding you to one of the sides, your trainee let you sit in a plush booth before leaning close. "Is there anything you'd like me to retrieve, love...?"

He had to speak into your ear, since you couldn't tone the volume down in your head like he could. "Just water, honey. Everything is overpriced in places like this, so thank you."

The android pulled back enough to raise an eyebrow at you. "Tell me what you really want."

There were a lot of things. At the top of the list was wanting to know how your Roomba trainee had learned to keep you on your toes. "... in that case, whiskey sour. And the water, please. Thank you, Connor."

The thank-you was softer, since you'd used his name, but the android lingered in that spot, head beside yours. He'd been given the all-clear to flirt, but he opted for a different approach. "... this is not the ideal location, but I need to speak with you when I return." Turning slightly, the soft words were spoken into your ear directly; the graze of lips brushing your skin completely numbed your legs. "This is... out of my comfort zone, but... I also have a... request..." Connor murmured, using your name for emphasis.

And before the exchange turned to something more physical, your trainee shot off and left you in the booth.


By the time he returned, you'd had to remove the leather jacket. It had gone from overly cold to overly warm, and the cause of the shift set both the water and the alcohol you'd asked for in front of you.

Snapping out of your reverie, you smiled and signed a thank-you before downing the water in one go. It did fuck all to cool you down. Connor slid into the booth beside you, his mouth thin, hands laced together on the table. It definitely wasn't anything good, whatever had happened. So you raised your eyebrows expectantly, motioning for him to talk.

Sign language he knew well, but it was in the open. If he was blending in, it wouldn't do to talk about certain things. The RK800 had to lean in to help you hear. "Forgive me. I was... not prepared to be hit on out of nowhere. Give me a--"

You'd started laughing, barely heard over the music. When you settled down, you slowly drank the alcohol a little before responding. "Honey, welcome to the nightlife. I'm sorry it made you uncomfortable, though. That's a big reason why you don't go alone. And I don't just mean undercover. I should've gone with you, so I'm sorry."

The android opened his mouth, paused, paused some more, then finally spoke. "... do I give off a... certain vibe?"

It only took a second. "Guy hit on you?"

"Yes." He let you snort and recover first. "I'm glad one of us finds humor in things. But you need to tell Seán that his work is too effective. The male that... hit on me... was someone I arrested two months ago."

Worst time to take a drink. The alcohol was spat out, though it had been a small sip, and splashed the table. You were too busy cackling to notice.

[I'm glad she sees this as hilarious. If he did, in fact, recognize me, he may target her next.]

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