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Now that the bomb had been dropped, Hank gave a pointed look. "You've been getting paid pretty damn well, as soon as we could start to pay you. And yeah, it's just sitting in the bank." With a weird smirk, he grasped the android's shoulder. "You're old enough to move out and get your own place, kid."

The idea itself felt strange. "Hank, I can't tell if you simply want me out of your house or if there's an ulterior-- ah." Connor nodded, though he was still uneasy. "... I don't know if she'll agree."

"Make her. The longer she's in this shithole, the more likely she'll end up being our next murder case." The blunt comment made the android flinch a bit, but Hank crossed his arms. "I can tell by the way you're fuckin' squirming that you're uncomfortable, kid. Well get the fuck over it." The detective's gaze went down a little. "Get out of your comfort zone, Connor. You'll be doing something good for her. Get the two of you on a better track than the trainwreck of today."

It took a minute, but the android nodded. "I can research optimal locations within a certain parameter." With a frown, he added, "I... do not know how to go about this. Hank, I don't want to put myself in a worse position than I already am."

"We'll talk on the way home. For now, let's..." Looking around, the lieutenant's face fell. "Let's see if she needs anything before we leave." The pair meandered into the living room again to find you going through your boxes again. "Hey, is there anything else you need? Like... anything at all?"

You looked over your shoulder at the two. "Um... no, I think I'm good. I've got everything up and running, utility-wise. Is my bed good to go?" Hank nodded. "Awesome, thank you both."

When you turned back to your task, Connor eyed his partner before approaching you again. "Detective, when we say anything... it is literal. You have enough food, yes?"

Blinking, you narrowed your eyes as you turned to face your trainee. "Yes, I do. I should be good, but thank you."

"Are there supplies or items you still lack?" When you shifted in irritation, the android crossed his arms. "Detective. We want to make sure you're taken care of. This is not out of pity, nor charity. There are basic things humans need to survive, and I will not allow you to refuse help just because your pride must be satiated."

Taken aback, your eyes widened a little bit. "... is this another of your Oscar-worthy performances?"

"What kind of man would I be to falsify my concern about this?" He frowned a little. "This is not fake. Your pride is immense and I will stand my ground until you accept that we will be here for you if and when you need it." When you just turned away, rubbing the space between your eyes, Connor glanced around. "... Detective. Either be honest with us or I will force the truth out. And I would prefer not to breach your privacy."

"Oh my fucking God you are so fucking stubborn," you mumbled. In the edges of your vision you saw that the living room was empty. Either Hank had gone outside or was somewhere else in the tiny apartment. You didn't hear the door open, so it was likely the latter.

"Yes. I am. But not nearly as much as you, Detective. And I have plenty of experience in dealing with overly stubborn humans," the android explained. When you kept quiet, he nodded. "Very well."

Within the span of a minute Connor had scanned your kitchen, and everything in it. But the end results worried him.

[There is... absolutely nothing here. That box held a random assortment of utensils. There is nothing else here.]

His expression tried not to sink. He was technically under your wing, so to speak, but something had to be done. Your pride was going to ruin you.

[The more I look, the more emptiness I find. I don't have a choice; I will have to leave this comfort zone and force her to live with me.]

"Did you find what you were looking for?" you asked quietly, voice lacking conviction. "I know how well you can scan the contents of things."

"... I found nothing, and that is a bigger concern," Connor answered.

"I'll be fine," you insisted.

"Are you an android without an LED?" Puzzled, you shook your head. "Then you need to eat, Detective." As soon as you opened your mouth the android covered it with a hand. "No. No more protests. No more brushing this off. Your pride will kill you soon enough, but I am here to keep you alive."

What in the flying fuck is he doing?

For such a stubborn, assertive, flirting android, the manner in which he was taking control was admirable. He had a tender note amidst his persistence. Heat rose in your face soon enough, and you didn't see the point in trying to hide it. Not when he was still covering your mouth.

"Well, I've got the list, so is there anything else I need to grab before I walk out the door?" Hank's rough voice cut through whatever the hell was going on between you and his partner, and you both turned to look. "...... I'm not a fuckin' sideshow freak, just tell me if there's anything else I gotta grab, guys."

"I'll send you a message, Hank, we'll need more than we thought. Shall I accompany you?" Remembering that he was covering your mouth, Connor finally lowered his hand.

"Uhhh... no. Stay here. Send the list, I'll come back as soon as I can." You tried to protest, but the lieutenant left before you could form an actual sentence.

Trying not to complain, you looked up at the android. "What the hell is he doing?"

Connor's crooked smile appeared. "We knew you'd stop him from making a list of things you need, so I came here to check the kitchen situation and also keep you here until he was finished." You stayed silent, staring up at him until the android began to wonder if he was going to be hit again.

"... you clever fucking bastard," was your soft murmur. He was entirely right: you would have stopped Hank had you known. "... Connor."

"Yes, Detective?"

"You... you really do know how to handle someone with too much pride. But...." Deep breath. "... thank you. That was pretty assertive, but... that was also incredibly sweet." Managing a smile, you looked around at the sad apartment for a bit. "... yeah, okay, this is fucking depressing. Since DAD is going shopping for me--" Connor chuckled. "--I guess I only have one thing I can do."

"May I help?" your trainee asked.

"Connor, are you seriously asking to help break my bed in?"

"... I'm going to take a risk and say yes. Yes, I'll help you break it in."

Another new innuendo for the android, it seemed. You offered a bit of a coy smile. "It's a little too soon for that, don't you think? You haven't even taken me out on a date first," you cooed. The android's expression was stuck in a confused state, even as you turned to leave.

To his credit, Connor caught on much more quickly. "I don't believe I can compare to your radiance but I'm flattered. Will tomorrow evening work for you?"

Freezing in place, your head slowly turned towards him. "What....."

"Enjoy your nap, Detective."

Holy shit he's good...

[She is letting me get away with this...? Is she... enjoying it???]

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