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"Detective, why are you down there...?" Connor sounded as worried as ever, kneeling beside you on your bedroom floor. When you tried to just wave him off, he pressed, "Answer me. What is wrong?"

The look you gave him in return was half amused and half embarrassed. "Connor. I'm fine. I just need the day off, that's all. It's nothing serious."

There were no injuries from the android's initial diagnosis, his scans revealing absolutely nothing. You shouldn't have been in an uncomfortable sitting position next to your bed. "... are you unable to walk?"

"There you go, fuckboy," you replied, patting his increasingly warmer cheek. "Like I said, I'll get a hold of Fowler and tell him... I don't know. Woman stuff. Technically, I wouldn't be lying."

Standing up after some pondering, he offered a hand to you. "Allow me to at least get you into the living room, then. It will be closer to essentials than here."

You shook your head, but smiled the whole time. "Remind me never to get sick around you."

"When would you like the reminder?"

He'd been helping you to stand but his comment earned him a smack on the chest. The way you walked screamed discomfort, and your stance was still a bit wider than was necessary. As soon as you sank into the sofa you waved your hands at him. "All right, go. I'll be fine; like I said, I'll tell Jeff it's female stuff."

After half a minute's worth of silence, Connor leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I will message you when I leave the precinct; please do not hesitate to request something, Detective."



"...... you... don't have to call me that outside of work..." you answered, pulse quickening a good deal. "I mean... I'm used to it, so it's fine, but..."

A smile crept onto his face, the warmth in the RK800's eyes matching the warmth in your face. He leaned down again, pressing another kiss to your other cheek. "As you wish, my love."


Seeing Gavin walk into the precinct gave the android an emotion he wasn't used to associating with the other detective: relief. And even more unusual, he was smiling as he approached. Cloud had come with him, but the taller prototype headed for the Captain's glass office while Reed set a green doughnut box on Hank's desk. "Mornin', fuckers," he greeted the pair. "You miss me?"

While Connor nodded in earnest, the lieutenant eyed the box, then the grin on Reed's face. "How you feelin'? Good enough to come back to this shitshow, I'm guessing?"

"I mean... better than last week," the detective responded, sipping from his takeaway cup of coffee. But his eyes darted around, noting the empty desk across from the RK800's. "She's not here today?"

"She was having some difficulty this morning. Feminine concerns." Your Roomba glanced back at his monitor for a moment. "I'm sure if she has any troubles, she won't hesitate to not tell me."

Snorting the mouthful of coffee, Gavin coughed violently, trying to laugh between hacking. "Son of a bitch!" he bemoaned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I mean, fuck, I guess you're not wrong." Only then did he notice Hank sitting back and smirking, arms crossed over his chest. "The fuck's up with you, Hank? You didn't expect me to come back so soon, so now you're gonna give me the whole "Dad's so proud of you" speech?"

"Got laid, didn't you?" was the lieutenant's only inquiry.

The furious red that filled Reed's face was enough of a tell, but he grumbled under his breath, trying to drink his beloved caffeine casually and failing miserably. "Really shouldn't jump to conclusions, Hank. Looks pretty fuckin' bad on you."

With a pointed glance at the RK900 in the Captain's office, Lieutenant Anderson's smirk widened. "Pretty fuckin' soon for that, ain't it?" Reed scratched his cheek with only his middle finger, and Hank chuckled. "Might wanna fix your walk, Gav. You looked like something was still up your ass."

Now there was no way to play it off. With a hand covering his crimson face, the detective mumbled, "For the love of God don't tell her."


Engrossed in a report again, Connor was well aware that he could have written it much quicker if he connected himself to the desktop directly. But... well, he enjoyed typing. It let him feel a little less like a machine.

Hard to say the same when he received text messages, of course. His LED flashed yellow, and he turned his attention away from the report, hand at his temple. Two messages, with exactly 49.2 seconds between them.



Eyebrows close together, your Roomba admittedly had zero context to run with. His name was obvious, but why send it to him? And what did 21 have to do with it?

Watching the kid trying to work out some internal problem, Hank sat up a little. "You okay, son? What's up?"

He opened his mouth to respond but never got the chance; Jeff was approaching faster than was necessary. "I just got word from dispatch; they got a 911 call less than a minute ago. Caller never said anything, but the dispatch girl said she definitely heard some altercation going on before it stopped completely." The Captain was looking from his lieutenant to the android detective. Mostly at the latter.

"... Jeff, if you want us to go and check it out, fine, but... no offense, we're usually called in after the initial responders..." Hank replied, but did not like the face Jeff gave him.

"I know how your job works and I'm telling you to get out there." He stared at Connor. "That call came from your apartment. Her cell phone."

Neither human- none of them, really- had ever seen someone vault over their desk so swiftly, but Connor did just that, darting for the front doors while trying to make himself believe you were all right.

[Is that why you messaged me? No context, just my name and a number. Who were you fighting against? Are you all right?]

Every attempt to call your number went unanswered; the device had been left behind. Where were you? More importantly, who had taken you?

The android was so focused solely on getting to the apartment that he barely noticed the tears borne from his fear.

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