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As soon as Connor stepped aside to open the storage room door, he realized that both Hank AND Gavin were standing there. Only the android was surprised. "... how... have you been there the entire time?"

"Obviously," Reed answered. "Did you fall for it?"

It only took another moment for the android to clench his hands. "You both were in on it...?"

"Course we were," Hank answered, chuckling under his breath. "She threw us a wink before walking outta that room. Shame that door was shut but we heard the gist of it."

Closing his eyes, the android fell silent as the three humans laughed and chatted about the hilarious "joke" you'd pulled on him. He remained quiet as the group returned to the first floor. All there really was to do was show you where your desk was, the locker you could use, gain the access you would need, etc. Connor tried his best to seem unbothered, but he'd sunk into a poor mood.

[I understand that this is her specialty. And I am aware that I opened myself up for anything thrown my way. But...]

"...ner? Connor? Are you there, do you copy?" Hank's rough voice interrupted the kid's thought process. "We're just about done now. I'm gonna take her home cause she doesn't have a vehicle yet."

Blinking, the RK800 noticed that Gavin had already vanished, too. You were holding onto an assortment of things you'd need in the precinct. Your badge and access card would be ready tomorrow. "Ah, all right, that's... fine."

"... you okay?" The lieutenant's voice went quiet. But he got no answer, so he sighed and led you and your trainee to his car. Once he was on the road, he glanced back at you through the mirror. "So where exactly are you set up," he asked. "Anywhere nearby?"

Shaking your head, you managed a smile. The realization that they were going to see your living situation soon had taken your attitude down a couple of notches. "No, I'm in the... Raintree apartment complex," you replied, already not liking their reactions.

Connor and Hank looked at each other, mildly concerned, but didn't speak about it. "All right, well... Raintree it is. At least I know where it is, we've been there plenty of times." Usually to investigate murders or drug busts or any crime imaginable, but that went unsaid.

It took a few tries to find the words, but the android spoke up. "Detective, I... I'm sorry, but I must speak openly for a moment."

"... Go ahead, Connor," you said quietly.

"What... what you demonstrated earlier, with your... skills... I am sorry, but I am not over it." His voice was hard, though it wasn't intentional. "I understand that it is your duty, and it is also what I will learn. But I do not appreciate being toyed with, Detective. I genuinely feared your departure, and yes I was desperate to convince you to stay. But..." Connor's face twisted. "Perhaps a demonstration shouldn't prey upon who you're going to train. Or do you not consider feelings to be something I possess?"

Eyebrows high, the lieutenant knew he had to step in before it escalated. "Connor. Hit the brakes. Not h--"

"No, Hank, I'm not going to stand back and act as though everything is fine! I said I would defend myself, and now is no different! If you're going to train someone unfamiliar with your skills, don't emotionally manipulate them as a "demonstration"! While I dislike cursing excessively, IT'S BULLSHIT!!"

The silence that followed made your skin crawl. "... Hank, stop the car. I can walk from here," you mumbled.

"Uhhhh, no. No fuckin' way. Not in this neighborhood." Hank was frowning deeply. "Listen. H--"

"I am not letting you leave that easily, Detective," the android added. "You do not get to manipulate me and go about your business. We are taking you home, and I will wait until you fully understand how you treated me." Connor's arms crossed, visibly unsettled still. "... you are a cruel human being and you have no right to spew your hatred at androids, when you yourself are worse."

In the backseat, you really couldn't get a word in while your trainee ranted. You'd never heard an android rant so much. And his words were cutting, but wasn't he still right? You'd seen how terribly worried and desperate he'd gotten. Then, when discovering it wasn't serious, why would he let it roll off his back? Your body was trying to sink into the seat, tears pouring down but feeling too awful to move much.

No one had ever made you feel this bad.

A couple of minutes passed in silence, just as awful as before. Hank was clutching the wheel so tight it might have started to crack. What the hell had gotten into the kid?

Slowly, Connor's arms uncrossed and settled down. "Detective?" he asked, waiting until you made a small hum to acknowledge him. "... do I get that Oscar nomination now?"

The car was thrown into a parking lot space hard, rattling the beings inside. The lieutenant stared at his partner, starting to let his aggravation show. "Are you fucking serious, Connor? All that fucking time it was just fake?!"

"Yes and no. She shouldn't have manipulated me, and it did get under my skin, but I said I would defend myself. So I offered a taste of her own medicine, so to speak." The android unbuckled himself in the seat and shifted to look back at you- and immediately regret what he'd said. "... Detective...?"

"Good work, Connor," you mumbled faintly. "You certainly have a grasp on deceiving people. And I appreciate your tactics to cut me deeper than I did to you. It's effective." You gathered your belongings and stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind you as you headed for the complex.

[She seems... defeated.]

Both men scrambled to follow you, and you would have gotten inside your apartment if one of them wasn't an android built to be quick. A hand took your shoulder, which you shrugged off immediately. "Detective--" The android began.

"Piss off," you spat. "I think we both did enough damage for one day. So thank you for the warm welcome to the precinct; I'm going inside so I can pretend I'm back home."

Neither male knew what to do, not really. As you fumbled with your keys, however, you felt a pair of arms envelop you, ones encased in gray jacket sleeves. "I am sorry for every word I've said in that vehicle. We both have done significant damage but I still want to learn from you. Please... I regret it all. I should have realized how you would feel if I deceived you as you had me."

You felt sort of dead in his hold, but you lifted a hand to pat his arm. "You don't get the Oscar nomination, but you do get the award for being the first to trick me so thoroughly that I cry. Congratulations, RK800." His hold tightened, making you hesitate and sigh. "... Connor, I'm not going anywhere. Today was a mess. Let's just... call it a mulligan and start over tomorrow."

"... I would like that, Detective."

"You should've decked him," Hank added, voice hard. "There's still time."

"Can't solve violence with violence, Hank. And I have a catalogue of revenge ideas I can pull from, anyways," you said casually.

[...... I'm in danger.]

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