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"You find a place yet?" Hank questioned, admittedly rather bored since he was stuck with paperwork again. "Let me know if you, uh... run into issues, by the way."

Dark eyes glanced to the desk beside his. "I have several options in mind, as a matter of fact. What sort of issues would I come across, though? As far as I know my credit score is flawless." Then again, for an android who spent next to no money, Connor might not have had a credit score.

"Credit score ain't the problem. It's that you're an android, and some places are still pretty iffy about your rights. Cause, y'know, androids absolutely don't have fucking basic needs as a people," the human muttered, aggravated. "Ah, sorry, kid. That still annoys me."

A smile creeping on his face, the detective felt something like admiration for the poor human who had become his sort-of-reluctant father. "I'll let you know if someone is bullying me on the playground, Dad," the android teased.

The deadpan glare was immediately saved for the future in his memory.

Stewing in his annoyance, Hank looked around. "Why ain't she here yet? You said she had a ride this morning, so where the fuck is she?"

Connor frowned a tiny bit. "I asked if she needed a ride, and all she said was no and a thank you. I assume that means she... found... a...r...ide..." His sentence trailed slowly until the rest of it died, his eyes locked onto a sight that both horrified and puzzled him. "..... Hank....?"

"Hmm? What's up?" Glancing up, he caught Reed strolling towards the Captain's office... with Reed directly behind him. "...... last I checked I didn't dump any of the drugs from the evidence room into my coffee. Am I going fuckin' cross-eyed?"

"N.... no..." the android replied, feeling incredibly lost. And judging by the rest of the precinct, they were just as lost. There were even people from the reception desk standing near the threshold, staring openly. "... for the first time in my lifespan I have nothing in way of an explanation."

Watching Fowler at his desk, Hank knew he was as baffled as the rest. "Is it bad if I say I sort of wanna cry? One Reed is bad enough."

"Gavin," the detective corrected him. "First name basis, Hank."

Eyebrows knit tight, the human got to his feet once Reed One and Reed Two were in the waiting area, wanting coffee. "HEY GAVIN!!!" he shouted, hands cupped around his mouth.

To everyone's horror, both of them snapped their heads to gaze at the lieutenant simultaneously.

"Big mistake," the human male gasped, sitting down again. "Holy shit, big mistake."

"Thank you, now I'll finally find out if androids have nightmares or not," his partner groaned.

"What's up, fuckers?" Reed greeted them enthusiastically. "What do you think?"

"Found my identical twin, by an amazing coincidence," the other Reed added. "Now you have two of me. How's that fuckin' feel?"

Both drank coffee casually, watching the pair staring. The silence was palpable, and a few minutes passed.

"... damn, out already," one complained, gazing into his empty cup. "Go fetch me another, Gavin."

"Only thing I'll fetch for you is one of these," the other snapped back, offering a nice middle finger. "... shit, I'm out, too."

Staring at one another, a moment seemed to pass between them before they both shot a look at Connor. "Coffee. Now."

In the terrifying grip of deja vu, the android didn't even hesitate; he shot out of his seat and power-walked to the waiting area.

Eyes narrowed, Hank was getting the idea now that the shock had worn off. "This is his first lesson, ain't it?" With two nods of confirmation, he sat back, arms crossing. "I gotta say, this is... fuckin' awful."

"What the hell did I do to you, Hank?" Reed muttered.

"Nice to know the time and effort is wasted on you, fuckin' asshole," the other Reed added.

All the lieutenant could do was chuckle. "Well, I'm impressed. Terrified, too."

Subdued once more, the poor detective returned with reluctance, holding the coffees out. To his relief, they were taken this time. But he tried to return to his desk, and was stopped. "Hold it, trash can," Gavin spat. "Got a job for you to do."

"And we got some rules," the second Gavin added. "You gotta figure out who is who, here. But you can't fucking scan us or whatever; none of that android shit. Eyes only."

Warm eyes darted from one to the other. Sight only? Mouth thin, Connor slowly stood at a point in the middle so he could eye them at equal distances.

[No scanning. Surely there's something I'm able to catch. But even the voice is identical!]

Still at his desk, Hank was more invested in this lesson than horrified at having two Reeds. "Can he ask questions?"

"What kind of questions? Name? Birthday? Address? Social Security number which I'm not saying cause fuck that?" Reed One asked.

"Badge number? Desktop password? Armory PIN? Most of that shit is in the database, not gonna help our mobile phone here," Reed Two commented.

Now the android's eyes were narrowed. The twins shared another look but kept quiet, standing idly while Connor approached closer. He stared at one before moving to the other. He did this twice, each time lingering longer than before.

When he at last got close enough to you, staring right into your eyes, you smirked, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose.

Needless to say, the detective reeled back in shock, hand over the lower half of his face. Neither Reed could keep a straight face, bursting into laughter. Reaching up, you pulled off the tiny voice module adhered to your throat under the clothing, holding it up for the rest to see. "What do you think?" you asked, your normal tones coming out of Gavin's mouth and making the lieutenant squirm uncomfortably. "Hmm? Do I pass as Gavin yet?"

"Judging by the rest of the precinct, yes. Yes you fucking do." Hank made a sound of absolute disgust, shuddering. "Why him? You had your pick of people here."

"Maybe, but Connor would have been too obvious, and I'd need more time to recreate your beard," you replied. "Gavin was perfect cause he doesn't have a lot of details that are complicated, he's about my height, and he travels to work alone."

"Believe me, I'm as horrified as you are," Gavin muttered into his coffee.

Before you could continue chatting, you were hastily grabbed and guided away by your trainee. "Detective, please, I beg of you, remove the disguise. Please."

Smirking, you let him pull you along. "What's wrong, Connor? Not a fan?"

In one of the back hallways, the android spun to face you, snatching your shoulders. "Please," he begged. "I do not want to hear you speaking and see someone who treated me less than kindly. He has improved, yes, but that is not the point. Your skills are incredible and I am sorry to have failed your test, but... please... Do not let my memory of you and him somehow merge. Please."

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