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"So was I right, then? Left wing, skate down the face?" Off of the ice- and out of the knife shoes, thank fuck- you'd taken your date's arm again, strolling away from the rink.

Gavin grinned, cheeks still reddened. Whether it was from your intensive detective work, the cold, or the kissing... it was left in the air. "I mean, you were close. Skate down the face, yeah, but that was cause the fucker broke the guard on my helmet. And the broken nose was from the same asshole. Same game. Hip checked him into the boards, he decided he wanted to throw hands, so off went the gloves. And off went my guard, off he went from his feet, he took me down with him, blade across the face and a broken nose from his fuckin' fist." He shrugged a little. "Probably sounds painful, but I came outta that fight the better of the two. He spit a handful of teeth, and my teammate socked him in the jaw so hard it was busted."

Your grip tightened a bit, crossing the street again but continuing the walk instead of turning towards your apartment. "Did it turn into a team thing?"

"As soon as my gloves came off, the other guys got involved. Fuck, the goalies left their nets, even. If I didn't have my hands full, I'd have watched 'em."

"Oh, absolutely. When the goalies fight, you know it's serious. Those are the best."

Reed chuckled. "Nice to know I can talk hockey and you know what I'm saying. Hank watches it, sure, but he never played." There was a thoughtful pause. "The guy I fought deserved it. He, uh... did some pretty cruel shit to me off the rink." Another pause. "... not directly. He talked my partner into leaving me. Stupid grudge shit. So when our teams played against each other, I had to repay the favor."

Blinking, you let the details soak in. "... if he talked your girlfriend into leavi--"

"Boyfriend." Your brain lagged like an Apple II computer, staring at your date. "What? I've had a good handful of partners in the past."

"I'm sorry, it's just... a little unexpected. It's nice to know, just surprising."

"Look. I really never gave a shit what gender or whatever someone was. I could care less about which floppy fuckbits they have; if I'm attracted, and they're okay with it, I'll find a way." When you threw your head back and cackled loudly, Reed had to stop walking so you wouldn't fall over. "What's so funny?"

"Who calls them floppy fuckbits?!" You soon had to lean against him before you lost your balance laughing. "Oh my god I HAVE to remember that one... Oh fuck, that's brilliant..."

Hearing you laugh that hard made the male smile. When you settled enough, the walk continued, and his smile didn't fade. "Anyways... yeah. Boyfriend. I think the word is pansexual, but I don't fuckin' know. Hate labels. I just tell people I'm cool with pretty much everything. If it doesn't personally affect me, do what you want. No sense in beating the shit out of other beings just cause what they are isn't something you like. Beat their ass for other reasons, like talking your man into dumping you."

Now you eyed him intentionally, the humor having died off. "Gavin?" He raised his eyebrows a little, so you knew he was listening. "Everything you're saying is admirable, and you've got a good mindset, but you're also a hypocrite."

It was difficult to ignore the expression Gavin had: like he's been shot emotionally. "... y-yeah. I know. Still coming to terms with that."

"Why, though? I've been hearing stories about you despising androids. They can't control what they are, either." You couldn't seem to stop your mouth from frowning.

"Says the woman from Buffalo, the City on Fire."

"Yes, it was set on fire, I get that. But you were in the interrogation room when I had to explain this to Connor! A person is smart, people are stupid! It was a group mindset to start firebombing! I'm well aware of how I acted when I arrived, but I apologized to him for it! And by the way, my partner in Buffalo was an android. And I'd trust him with my life, no questions asked." Now you stopped walking, arms crossed. "You can't say how accepting you are when I'm working with a man who proves otherwise. Why'd you hate him so bad?"

Not liking how the conversation was going, Reed shoved his hands into his pockets but maintained eye contact. "Because I had to work my ass off to get to my position. I've never been so focused in my life; I wanted this job and I did everything in my fucking power to claw my way here." Sighing, your date thinned his mouth. "Then in strolls this android prototype, assigned to work with Hank, built to do my exact job, but better. Says he's a detective, and immediately everyone just... accepts it. Didn't have to work for it, didn't lift a finger. Just showed up and made me feel like... like all that work I put in to get there meant sweet fuck all." Visibly agitated, a hand went through his hair, finally looking away from you. "It wasn't his fault, either, I know that. Connor's fine, a little weird, but he's good. He wasn't trying to take my job, but at the time, I just... We have to work to develop skills and gain knowledge so we can do our jobs as best we can. Having androids made to do the job for you seems fine in some ways, but for us, who work our asses off... not so much."

Watching him shift restlessly, you knew that all that old irritation was trying to come to the surface again. And Gavin was fighting tooth and nail to keep it buried. Laying a hand on his chest, the other held one of his cheeks. He stopped fidgeting, at least. "I know how you feel. More than I want to admit. But Connor doesn't hold any kind of grudge against you, you know that. However... did you ever apologize for that?" Unsurprisingly, he sighed and shook his head. "Then it's overdue. It's late for it, but please do it. Sit him down, talk to him. Maybe he can tell you things you didn't know."

Hand covering the one on his cheek, Reed took a moment to appreciate the warmth. "... yeah, all right. I'll talk with him. Might not like it, but at this point... better late than never." That made you smile, which in turn let him relax. "... what was it like? Having an android partner?"

"Oof. Well... I don't know how it was for Hank, cause I had a drastically different situation. Had a case early in my career that left me injured, needing stitches. The guy that took care of my wound got me to the hospital, and... he actually stayed there with me. I didn't realize he was a detective; I was still pretty new, and I didn't know many people. I'd never seen him until that night. But he was super calm, almost emotionless. Kept his head while I was bleeding in his hands. But he stayed with me, and... he actually opened up a good deal. We got along really well. The Chief came up to me a couple weeks later and said I was being assigned a partner, since someone had requested it... and it was that same android."

"Not exactly the ideal meeting situation, but if it works, it works," Reed added, chuckling. "How'd he react to you coming here?"

"I had no idea, if I'm being honest. I was in need of serious repairs and was out of commission when this whole transferral thing happened." The voice made you both whip around to find the source. With a soft smile on his face, the android went on. "I'm rather disappointed, you know. Being rebooted and returning to the precinct, only to find you'd left for another city. I waited for you to contact me, and when you didn't, I figured it out on my own." The long white coat fluttered a little in the chilly breeze, and his smile widened a bit when you pulled away from Gavin to approach. "You need to keep your eye on the weather forecast. You never know when the day might turn Cloudy."

You essentially launched yourself towards him, and the RK900 prototype enveloped you in his arms, spinning you around in the embrace. Face buried, what you managed to say was muffled. "I'm.... sh-shit, Cloud, I'm sorry... they didn't know if you...."

"Shhh. Tears later. Right now, you have more pressing matters." Blue eyes lifted to find the hazel ones of Gavin Reed. "Hello, Detective Reed, I apologize for interrupting your... date."

All Reed could manage was a nod. But all the talk about hating androids was still at the surface of thoughts.

First the RK800 had threatened his job.

Now this RK900 may have been threatening his relationship.

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