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The taxi couldn't drive fast enough. You sat beside Connor, leg bouncing rapidly in your anxiety, trying not to start crying right then and there. It didn't take long for the android to take your hand, squeezing in what he hoped was a comforting manner. "He'll be all right, Detective. Your partner is very capable."

[Though I do not know if Gavin will want to see you...]

Your gaze landed on the hand clutching yours, stomach churning. Now it clicked. Everything Gavin had said made sense in the hand holding your own.

Nothing else was said on the way there, and you were the first to bolt out of the taxi once the driver had been paid. Knocking hard at the front door, you lasted all of three seconds before calling out, "GAVIN!!" In the lack of response, Connor stood beside you, indicator flickering yellow every few seconds. The worry was etched into his face.

You knocked again, harder than last, and the door swung open before you could open your mouth. Cloud hesitated, blocking the way, a yellow LED letting you know he was communicating. After half a minute of you and the RK800 standing in the freezing winter air, your partner stepped aside for the both of you. "Be gentle," he murmured softly. "Do not crowd him. You know how I'd been, sunflower."

Your Roomba took the lead, venturing into the living room with cautious steps. "... Gavin?" The voice made the man in question glance back. But Reed turned away again, his head lowering. "...... may I sit?"

"I don't ffffuckin' care..." he mumbled back. Wiping his face with his sleeve, there was no way to disguise his bloodshot, puffy eyes. Connor gently made room on the coffee table to sit in front of him. Gavin stared at the android, feeling nothing close to hatred. Not even irritation. "...... why are you here?"

Leaning over on his legs a bit, the RK800 smiled. "Why wouldn't I be? You're a friend. I'm here to help a friend. Especially at a time like this."

Disbelief sank into Reed's features. "... you don't fucking hate me? Couple of years of taking all my shit, just... poof, gone? Forgiven?"

He was still intoxicated. "I told you I have no grudge against you. Quite the contrary. I want you to understand you can lean on me, Gavin. You can lean on all of us." Connor's mouth pressed into a flat line. "I'm sorry it's ended like this. I wanted her--"

Hand clamping over the android's mouth, the human shook his head. "Please. Just... don't." His hand fell away, completely devoid of energy. "........... just... do one thing for me."

"Of course."

"Punch me."

The absurdity of his request made the android lag for a couple of seconds, hardware freezing up in his attempt to understand. "... I... no, why would I punch you? For what purpose?"

Reed shrugged. "Cause it's only fair. Right?" Unsteady as he was, he pushed himself from the sofa and onto his feet, waiting for Connor to do the same. "Come on. I'm serious. Just one good haymaker right to my fucking nose. Or wherever, dealer's choice."

Your Roomba stood slowly, but didn't move otherwise. "... do you think this is some way to let me get revenge?"

"Sure. That, and I just... I'm a fucking idiot, just fucking hit me, man." The longer he waited, the more Gavin's attempt at being casual fell apart. "... Connor. Come on. Don't j-just stand there, fucking hit me."

He would have preferred a punch. Not to be pulled into the RK800's embrace, hugged tightly. "You are never alone, Gavin. I do not think you realize how much you would be missed."

That did him in. Reed clung to the android like he had his successor, bursting into sobs that wracked his entire body. Connor said nothing further, realizing just how badly the detective needed people in his life. In the threshold to the front hallway, you leaned against the frame, cupping your elbows and glancing back down the hall. Cloud stepped aside so Hank could also enter the living room and assess the situation.

It wasn't a situation he wanted to see in the first place. The lieutenant sighed heavily, hand running down his face. When the calls had come in about gunfire in the neighborhood, he had a bad feeling in his gut and decided to check on it himself. Hands in his pockets, he approached quietly, admittedly surprised that Connor was the one Reed clung to. "You know, this is probably in my top 3 least favorite calls to investigate."

Pulling away enough to see, Gavin made a few marvelous faces ranging from annoyance to self-loathing. "Jesus... great. Anybody else invited to the pity party?"

"We don't pity you, Gavin. We're fuckin' scared. Get used to it." Hank's eyes shifted over, seeing the alcohol, and the bullet hole in the wall. He turned to the RK900. "That from you, big guy?"

"Yes, Lieutenant. I returned in time to shoot the pistol out of Detective Reed's hand." Cloud didn't seem relieved that he'd stopped anything; rather, he still looked uncomfortable. You laid a hand on his arm, and his strained expression softened just a little. "I had a very poor feeling last night, and so I stayed here overnight. And I will remain here for as long as necessary."

Eyebrow raising, the lieutenant walked over. "You're her partner, though." The prototype nodded. ".... little too close to home?" Another nod. ".... yeah, it's a mutual thing."


Gavin's unofficial Pity Party lasted for another half an hour. For the most part he tried to curl in on himself, but the prototypes were always near to remind him he could ask for help.

You hung behind, all too aware that you probably shouldn't have come over to begin with. But if you stayed behind, you'd have never forgiven yourself. You did care about Reed, more than he realized, but... with a pang in your heart, he was right. You cared for him, but what he wanted, you could never give.

Tears pricking in your eyes, you wanted to return outside, intending to tell Connor you'd wait for him, but the hand at your elbow drew your attention back. "Gavin...?"

There was a hint of a smile on his worn-out features. "You really gonna come all the way here and sneak back out, without so much as a fucking hello? Come on, don't be rude."

There was a little awkward silence before he opened his arms. "... are you sure?" you whispered, uncertain.

"Yes. Look, okay, yeah I'm a goddamn mess. When am I not? But I... I don't want you shying away from me." With careful motions you crept close, letting Reed pull you into a hug, which you returned. It was definitely not the kind you'd been given on your one date. "... sorry for scaring you. Hank says he's talking to Fowler, see if I can go on light duty or something. Until I'm... y'know... in a better mindset."

It was your turn to bury your face. "... Gavin, I... fuck, I was so scared..."

Hearing your voice shaking, he sighed. "Hey, hey. Come on. I know I scared you, and I'm sorry. But your partner is a goddamn Old West gunslinger, so you're not getting rid of me." Reed's eyes closed. "... hey. If I'm kinda distant, don't take it personally. It's gonna take me awhile to get over this, cause you're fucking addicting." All at once he let go and stepped back. "I'll be all right... soon enough. Just trust me, sweetheart. Okay?" Even with his reddened eyes and obvious exhaustion, Gavin smirked. "You recognized my name from all the stupid fucking jokes I'll be spamming you with. Not the obituaries."

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