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Ever the fucking tease, Connor pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before stepping away altogether, adjusting his sleeves. "Come, you need food. Then we shall... see what happens," he added vaguely.

But you'd sunk to the floor, kneeling and unable to stand on your weakened legs.

I'm literally too turned on to move.

Dark eyes noted your current state, seeing your wild temperature changes, and had the gall to smirk. "Detective, on your feet. I am well aware of what you want. Well, you can't have it yet."

The shot of irritation put some feeling back into your legs, enough to stand up and shove at your Roomba. "Seriously?! You're the one who asked for this whole friends with benefits thing!"

Getting in your face, Connor grasped your jaw again, running a tongue across your lower lip. "Yes. You will eat first, then you get dessert." The smirk turned almost wicked. "Say what you will. You are only my superior while we work. But you are the one begging me. Praise kink notwithstanding, I have you wrapped around my finger." A second passed. "Do you have any more interesting kinks I ought to know about? Or shall I discover them on my own?"

The lava was practically running down your legs, and you were somewhat surprised that your face wasn't burning his hand. "I-I'm sorry...." you managed, the RK800's eyes lighting up. "And... I'm not sure about the kinks question."

Tilting his head to and fro in thought, your Roomba's expression softened. "A question for another time. Now come."

[Another time, as well as another place.]


You ended up changing your clothing before leaving, seeing that Connor had done the same, mostly. He had his leather jacket and beanie on over his dress shirt and jeans, anyway. But he went with you to a quaint diner near the precinct, sitting across from you in the booth so that the server would see his LED and not give him a menu.

Which was exactly what had happened as he pulled off the outerwear, but the android frowned when you merely glanced over the menu before putting it down again. "We aren't leaving until--"

"I know." The timespan between his commanding demeanor and arriving to the diner had let you calm down. "I was just checking to make sure they had what I wanted."

His soft smile reappeared; combined with his more casual clothing choice, your heart skipped a few beats. Damn it. "I'm sorry. I am as stubborn as Hank sometimes. I meant well."

"I know you did, but thank you." Pulling out your phone, you checked the message from Cloud, letting you know Gavin was finally sleeping. Then the device was tucked away again. "... Can I ask a personal question?"

There was a brief pause before the RK800 burst into laughter. Waving his hand to stop you from questioning it, he soon calmed down. "Ah... forgive me. Usually I'm the one who asks that. Oh, how the turntables."

Blinking, you replied, "Connor, it's--"

"Detective, I rather enjoy watching The Office. Now what were you wanting to ask me?"

How could you put it into a polite, family-friendly question? "How the fuck are you so goddamn good at being sexy when you're a fucking virgin?"

Slowly, the android sat back, arms folded. "Just because I'm virginal doesn't mean I can't figure out how to do things. The internet is roughly 97% pornographic, but it is still educational. Based on several interactions with other females in the past, I have drawn the conclusion that some find me attractive. And while my initial flirting was just to throw you off, you were showing clear signs of being attracted, as well. So I wanted to test myself and put what I'd learned to use. As time goes on, I understand what it is you seek from me."

No one couldn't say he wasn't thorough. "I... see. That does make sense, but what exactly do I "seek from you"?"

Slowly your Roomba leaned forward. "Someone assertive. Confident. Someone whose commands do not anger you, but make you willing to submit instead. And you have warmed up to me, so you are more relaxed. I still want your consent, but now that I know I do not disgust you, I am... finding myself enjoying this... dominant side of myself."

You're not the only one, honey...

When the server came to take your order, you didn't hesitate in asking for pancakes. There was a little gleam in your eye that lingered after the server had walked away again. The gleam was noticed immediately. "Am I safe in assuming you are fond of pancakes," the RK800 asked softly, his smile gentle once more.

This time the color across your cheeks was mild, yet your Roomba found it more alluring that way. "Pancakes, French toast, waffles... I love breakfast foods but those especially. I don't know, maybe I'm a bread slut." You started giggling, and your Roomba chuckled quietly with you. "In all seriousness, I love pancakes and all that. Homemade waffles are the fucking best. I was... actually going to ask if you minded having a waffle iron in the apartment."

"Why would I mind? It's your apartment just as much as it is my own." The pink tint to your cheeks darkened a shade, and his fuel pump regulator thumped hard a couple times. "... I hope you don't mind, Detective, but... I bought something for you."

Your eyes narrowed some. "The amount of money you spent is in direct proportion to my level of anger. So tread lightly, RK800."

Now it was his turn to blink. ".... that was an incredibly android-esque response."

"I lived with Cloud."

"Understood." Connor turned and began looking over his jacket. "The money is not an issue to me but I know it makes you uncomfortable. However. I found some office supplies for you to use at the precinct, so the usefulness will outweigh the cost."

Office supplies? When he handed over the little box you were just more confused. It was on the flatter side, but definitely not empty. Curious, you pulled the thick ribbon off to remove the lid... and your eyes lit up. "Oh my God they're so cute!!"

They were indeed office supplies: paper clips, pens, a sticky note pad, a few erasers... but everything was either shaped like or covered in corgis. Even the paper clips were the outline of the short little doggo you adored so much.

Watching you gush over the little items might have been dangerous: the android knew he was in love, and doing these little things for you to make you happy was just not helping. The regulator in place of a heart beat harder regardless. He felt like he was floating, watching your complete joy at his small gift.

Having his head taken and pulled across the table for you to kiss his cheek might also have been dangerous. Not that it would have stopped him; Connor soaked up your eager attention.

[... I cannot wait any longer. I'm sorry, Detective, but I need to know.]

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