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(Have a second glass of lemonade. Another Mature Warning for this, people!

Also: our sweet cinnamon roll finally gets some love. ♡♡♡)

Well, Hank is gonna kill me. Told me to go easy on him, aaaaand...

You still laid on the bed, unwilling to really move yet. The aftermath was serene, making you completely forget the rage you'd barely contained earlier. Once your breathing had evened out, your head turned to find the RK800 still sitting beside you. The smug aura around him had mostly dissipated. "How do you feel," he asked gently, "do I still have a target on my head?"

Thousands of responses came and went. Your brain settled on one that surprised you both: "Thank you for waiting for my consent first," you replied, your tone soft, his hardware settling a good deal... though the internal fans were still going.

"I told you, I would do nothing without it. Teasing or not, I do not like hurting people. That does include you, no matter how we frustrate each other." His smile was genuine, relieved that you seemed to have cooled off.

It only took a fucking tornado of emotions and poor decisions for you to admit: "You're a good man, Connor." Eyes closing, you tried to sink further into the bed, blissfully ignorant to the color rising in his face. With a deep, steady exhale, you finally decided to move, pushing yourself up to sit. Getting to your feet was another matter: your legs refused to support your weight, and your knees promptly gave in.

The android was close enough to catch you, chuckling quietly as you used him like a crutch, at least until you could stand unhindered again. "Too much for you, Detective?" he asked gently. "Steady, now. I will wait until your strength returns."

This doesn't seem... fair.

Still clinging to your Roomba, your eyes lifted to meet his own; his head tilted in curiosity. "What's on your mind...?" came his soft-spoken inquiry.

Lifting your hands, they gently pushed his shoulders. "Sit, Connor. Go ahead." He did, keeping a careful eye on you in case you collapsed again. But your hands remained on his shoulders until your strength returned... in which case you cupped his cheeks instead. "Listen to me. I'm going to do this once. Just once. After this... we're done with this... flirting-tension shit. Deal?"

The android sort of understood, but your exact intention was lost on him. "... I understand that this was a one-time occurrence, but... Detective, what are you implying?"

You sighed through your nose, pressing your forehead to his. "Let me reciprocate. It's only fair. Right?" The cool-tone red filled his cheeks again, and you could actually feel the heat it radiated. "I just need your consent. You can tell m--"

"Yes." He didn't hesitate, betraying the eagerness.

That made you grin, shaking a touch with silent laughter. "All right." A finger pressed to his lips, not wanting a verbal answer. "Just... once. Get it out of our systems, move on with our lives. I'll even try not to cave your skull in." The android nodded, unable to tear his gaze from you. He'd had you at his mercy, and now he was at yours.

Although why your own heart was racing was left to be decided.

His head still in your hands, you stood up straight, directly in front of him and forcing his head to tip back. It was hard to deny how soft his lips were... and you wondered briefly if he were intentionally designed that way. You didn't dominate the kiss nearly as strongly as he had, but your kisses trailed away from his mouth, making their way along his jawline.

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now