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You had gotten up, waiting patiently for the android to snap out of whatever trance he'd gone into. When it seemed like he'd be stuck there all day, you took his shoulders and shook him gently. "Connor, you in there? Earth to RK800, do you copy? Detroit, we have a problem."

He snapped back to reality swiftly, immediately getting to his feet and making you jerk backward. Before the rolling chairs could betray you, your trainee's hand lowered and caught you with a hand at your lower back before you ended up on the floor.

... whoa.

Both of you seemed to be frozen in the moment, and you'd be lying if you later said you were calm. You'd been caught before you hit the floor, but you were leaning back with no support other than Connor's hand. And his hold would not falter, you were certain.

Slowly he brought you forward until you were guided onto your feet again. Pressing a hand to your chest, you were screaming internally for your fucking heart to calm down, turning away before he saw the shock written in your features.

His hand laid on your shoulder, nearly making you flinch again. "Detective, are you all right? I didn't harm you, did I?"

"N-no. No. I'm not hurt, not at all. Just... gimme a minute." Despite the burn spreading from your face to your neck, your legs had gone numb from chills.

Jesus Christ, how was that so goddamn attractive...?

Connor still had your shoulder; he quietly pushed the chairs aside so he could stand in front of you. After all, you didn't seem like you'd be moving anytime soon. "...... Detective? Your heart rate is abnormally high, and your core temperature is several degrees higher than it should be." Both your shoulders were taken. "The adrenaline will wear off soon," the android added, softer this time. "Is there something I can--......."

Like the day prior, your arms snaked their way around him, head on his chest. This time around it was more aggressive. It was no hug out of being thankful. Connor had never been clung to like how he was now. Your breathing was labored and muffled in his chest, and there was the sharp pressure of nails on his back.

[I caught her... she should be calm by now. Instead she--


Out came his blush again, eyes shifting to the door which remained shut. You weren't pried away, but he really didn't know what to do about this particular concern.

[... all I did was catch her.]

With terrible slowness, you turned your head so you could gaze up at your trainee. Your reddened face was a stark contrast to the pure white button-down he always wore. "Ah... sorry. I wasn't expecting, uh... this," you explained, grinning despite everything.

"May I ask what excited you?" The RK800 didn't know why he ended up being the calm one.

All at once you stepped away from the android, clearing your throat. "I don't know where you got that idea, Connor," you replied casually. But your entire goddamn body had lit up from one simple fucking action.

"Detective..." he warned in a low tone, "I am a walking polygraph machine."

"Goddamnit you caught me with one fucking hand. One! You didn't act like it was an uncomfortable position, or that you'd drop me at any second."

"It was not uncomfortable and I would have held you there for as long as I needed to," the android countered. "You are not difficult to handle, either."

"Y-yeah, well... thank you and also don't do it again or I might jump you."

For once, your trainee decided against flirting. Mostly because he didn't know what would happen if he casually hit on you when you'd warned him.


By the time the two of you returned to the first floor, you'd calmed down enough to think rationally.

As long as you didn't linger on how easily Connor had held you in place.

Ugh, the fuck is wrong with me?

Peering behind you, the android was already dutifully working on his little exam. In the meantime you pulled out your phone again.

You may have come from Buffalo, but that didn't mean you didn't have connections in other cities. Going undercover meant meeting a ton of interesting people- including other law enforcement folk going undercover, or those that used to. One of them also happened to be a good friend, and he had access to materials you did not.

In other words, you could only help your trainee so much. You had no actual clothing for male figures... and Gavin's clothes you were wearing didn't count. They weren't yours to keep.

Speaking of, Detective Reed was still missing. Possibly hiding. You weren't sure if looking for him was a good plan, but the guilt had begun chewing the edges of your thought process. It was a distraction from the unexpected shot of excitement minutes prior.

He just... moved so quickly. Like it was nothing. I should be used to androids by now, I mean for fuck's sake...

You gnawed at your lower lip, doing what you probably shouldn't: lingering on what happened.

Fuck my life. He wasn't even trying to hit on me. It was just so... easy for him.

This wasn't good. Hoping that the android didn't decide to scan you for your vitals again, you crossed your legs, hoping your hands were steady enough to message a nearby friend around the city. [You still near Detroit?]

[About fuckin' time you texted me! I've been waiting for days!] The response was surprisingly quick.

[... I just got here yesterday.]

[Uh... not the point. Anyway, yeah, I'm in the same place I've always been. What's up? How's the new precinct, anyway?]

[Weird. It's a whirlwind of chaos. But that's kind of why I messaged you.]

There was a small pause before the next reply. [... tell you what. You tell me all about this crazy-ass precinct as an apology for not talkin' to me when you arrived. Sound good?]

Fuck. [It was rude, I know. I'm sorry hon.]

[I'm teasing. ♡ Is it Cloudy there?]

You knew what he meant, and you tried not to frown. [No. I wish. Compared to Buffalo, there isn't a Cloud in the fucking sky.]

(Let me know if you actually want intimacy in this one, lmao. Since this isn't yandere it'll be easier to throw it into the pot. Just let me know. Be honest. ♡)

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now