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Unaware of the one-man furious audience, Gavin did absolutely nothing to discourage you from being so close. Shit, he was hesitant to move his arms at all. But he took a chance and shifted, one hand laid carefully at the back of your head to keep you close. You felt his chest rise and fall, the exhale shaky. "..... thank you, cara mia," he whispered. "You... you always talk me out of feeling like a dumbass. Doesn't stop it from happening, but..." he chuckled, grinning when you did the same, "... it hurts less. So thank you."

You could tell he didn't want to let go, so you wiggled a tiny bit, getting comfortable. "... I don't know why you feel that way every time you think you screw up, Gavin. The only time you fucked up, you apologized for. And ever since then I haven't regret any time I spent with you."

At first he didn't move, and you assumed he was just a little speechless. Or nervous again. When Reed buried his face into your neck, it made more sense. "Sh-shit, fuck, gimme a minute... I'm about to cry like a f-fuckin' bitch baby..."

"Then go ahead. I'm not stopping you." But he pulled away at last, red-eyed but otherwise okay. "Better?"

"Fucking fuck... uh, yeah... kind of." Gavin took a few moments to himself before his expression relaxed. "... you wanna get outta here?"

Pausing, the question turned over in your head. "... get outta here in what context? Do you want to just go and find something to do, or... are you asking me out on a date?"


Thrown for a loop, the human male wasn't sure what to say that would guarantee he didn't feel like an asshole. "Ah... well... um, I mean... okay, word vomit is fun... so, hypothetically speaking... What if I said it was j-just a hangout?"

Putting your hands behind your back, you smiled a touch. "Then I would have to politely decline." The man in front of you seemed to sink a little, while the Roomba in the background just felt relieved. Until you added, "I would decline because I had hoped it was a date."

Eyes wide, Reed stammered a half-assed response. "O-okay, okay, w-well... phew... all right, so, in that c-case... w-would you l--..." He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before holding out a hand. "Posso portarti fuori per la serata, amore mio?"

Funny how any language besides English let him calm down. Or so it seemed. Still, you took his hand, seeing his eyes light up. "The only word I recognized was amore, in which case cool your jets a little, you smooth, sexy bastard." There went his burning face again. "Give me a half hour to get ready," you added, kissing his cheek again before disappearing down the hallway.

Walking in a daze, Gavin made his way to the sofa to wait for you, barely noticing the blood filling his face again. The way the RK800 was seething beside him was noticed even less. After a few minutes the human snapped out of his stupor, glancing over to find himself being glared at with such an intense surge of loathing. Except... Connor wasn't moving. His LED was a steady yellow, and the wires from the laptop were still plugged into the back of his head. "Uhhh... Connor? You there? You downloading some kinda upgrade or whatever?" Reed waved a hand in front of the android's face, and received no reaction. "What the fuck...."

"--I'm sorry, Gavin, did you say something?" Connor asked out of nowhere, breaking whatever state he was just in and scaring the shit out of the other detective. "... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Certain processes make me freeze, and can also be severely uncomfortable. I believe you may have caught the end of one of those. Did I seem angry?"

"Dude, you looked fuckin' terrifying." Rubbing his face, the human groaned. "Fuckin' weird. And how the hell do you plug shit into your head? I never see those outlets or whatever normally."

Connor smiled gently. "They can be hidden until I need them." He carefully detached himself from the laptop, shutting it down. "If I may ask, is everything all right? Where did she disappear to...?"

Gavin blinked, jerking a thumb towards the hallway. "I, uh... I'm waiting for her to get ready. Impromptu date," he added quietly, unable to stop the grin from forming. "I think I have an idea or two, but... shit, it's been awhile since I've been on an actual date."

Still smiling, the RK800 gathered up his laptop and the multiple wires, getting to his feet. "Well, I ask that you two be careful, please. Not that I do not trust you on icy roads, of course, but others are unpredictable." Connor had to walk behind the sofa to get to the hallway, but he stopped just behind Reed. Leaning down, the android hissed, letting some of his rage slip through the cracks. "You will treat her even better than she deserves to be. None of us are worthy of her affection, Gavin, so I expect you to worship her. If you do not, I will skin you alive."

Reed's face went from burning red to sheet white... if only for a couple of seconds. His face darkened a touch, turning so the Roomba was in the edges of his vision. "You think I'd fuck this up, asshole? Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me how to treat my date? Maybe you need to stop researching random bullshit, or else you're gonna go down a road you can't turn back from."

"Is that a threat...?" Connor replied slowly, each syllable drenched in his anger.

"I'm saying that turning yandere in real life won't help you in the end." There was a pause, the android obviously confused. "Look it up, moron. Get your facts, then get a fuckin' grip on yourself. I'd rather gargle liquid nitrogen than upset her. And if you think otherwise about me, then we're gonna have a problem."

It was an awful struggle in the RK800's head. Trust Reed? But you obviously did; after you'd scared the shit out of him, you gave him a chance anyway. And he ended up being decent. Connor lifted a hand and squeezed Gavin's shoulder. "Have fun," he finally replied, all the hatred from before breaking apart.

[I have a sinking feeling I will end up with depression at this rate, but I cannot force her to change her opinion.]

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