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"Sooooo... you two leaving or do I gotta disinfect my kitchen table when you're done?" Seán's casual query was enough to snap you back to the present, pulling away from the android swiftly. "Oh, good! Nothin' sticky on my furniture for tonight." He chuckled as you punched his arm, still drinking coffee with his other hand. "How long you plan on being out?"

"I'm not sure, Dad. Do you want updates every half hour," you asked in a well-used sarcastic tone.

"Fuck no. I don't need to know what the boy's doing with you. Or to you." Another punch made him laugh again. "Evelien's keys are on the hook next to the door. Don't worry about the petrol, it's filled up. We didn't know where you were taking my boy."

As you pulled on a leather jacket to guard against the January chill, Connor approached Seán with a kind expression. "I am indebted to you for this, Seán. If you need anything of me at some point, please do not hesitate to notify me." Just then a phone buzzed with a message, and your trainee's smile widened. "You have my contact. But, ah... with all due respect, despite what she has said.... please refrain from sucking me off, Seán."

Throwing your head back, you laughed until you nearly lost balance. Seán ended up covering his face and making a good deal of loud, exasperated wails, his face burning. "I wasn't planning to!!" he groaned, muffled.

"Yes, well, with any luck, she will take your place," the android mumbled, throwing a wink at the other male before following you outside.

You had taken the keys, and gladly got behind the wheel to start the car so it would warm up. There was an envious gleam in your eyes as you watched your Roomba get settled. "Lucky bastard. Can't feel the cold."

Dark eyes found yours, the rest of his face like stone. "Detective, my scans reveal that you have at least forty-one percent of your skin exposed to the elements. Now, I do not know if there are requirements for these situations, but you shouldn't complain about the cold if you willingly expose yourself to it."

Yikes. "Haven't you heard the term beauty is pain? We need to blend in at a nightclub, RK800. As a female, I have more work than you do."

"Detective, your perfection will override whatever you decide to wear." He didn't even need to think about his response.

God damn it...

He waited patiently for you to start driving, which you only managed when your face stopped burning. Even then it took another few minutes to speak. "... so. Have you decided?" The lack of response made you elaborate. "The pet name, Connor. We need to get these ground rules set in stone. There aren't many, but it's a start. So what does my darling fiancé call me, hmm?"

There was a seconds' worth of thought. "What would you enjoy hearing?"

That was a new one. "What... what would I want to hear? Shit. I... never thought about that, to be honest."

"Would it not depend on the kind of man you're engaged to, as well? Tell me, Detective, would you have said yes to the innocent prototype you met initially? Or would you have accepted the ring from an android hell-bent on bruising your hips with his hands?"

"I'm five seconds away from turning the RK800 into a crash-test dummy, now CUT YOUR SHIT!!"

The rage and flustered mindset warmed you up faster than the vehicle. But Connor spoke more gently, anyway. "I'm trying to fall into this role. You also said I could flirt if I wanted. I am sorry for angering you, it's not intentional."

"You're dancing around the question just so you can flirt. So don't." You paused. "...... love, I guess. That'll work."

Cara mia is nice too, but I really shouldn't tell him that.

The android watched you driving for a couple of seconds. "If that is what you want, I will be happy to comply, my love." The temperature reading in your face skyrocketed, and a smirk spread across his features for a moment.

Your mouth thinned, noting a nagging sort of sensation deep down. It wasn't a good feeling, not at that point, but you had to get through the night before it could be figured out. So you shoved it aside and buried it under whatever distraction you could grasp. "So what about you, Connor? What do you want to be called?"

[What would I want...?]



As you expected, there was a crowd outside of Elektricity, all wanting to get past whoever was at the door. It wasn't terribly difficult to gain entry, but the bouncer apparently seemed picky.

With the car parked a safe distance away, you silently cursed your trainee more and more. By the time the two of you got to the end of the line, you were freezing. Connor noticed, of course, but there was no mischief in his face. "Are you cold, love?"

Your arms were crossed, frowning deep, your breath pouring out in white plumes and fading in the winter night. "Don't rub it in. This is easier in the summer, obviously, but here I am, freezing my ass off with a man that can't feel it."

"I can, actually. But it doesn't affect me as much as a human." The RK800 inched closer, his voice softening. "This isn't flirting. Come closer. Please. The body heat will reflect off of me and it will help." When you still didn't budge, Connor did it for you: an arm snaked around your waist, holding you close. You managed a soft squeak but couldn't even think to pull away from the warmth. "... I said to let me protect you. That includes from the weather. Please don't let pride come before comfort."

It was hard to push away warmth, and he wasn't trying to come onto you.

... this might actually be the real Connor.

A hand lifted and went to his temple, LED going yellow as he communicated internally. There was no context for it until the android grasped your hand, weaving around the crowd and flashing you a smile once he'd effectively cut to the front.

"What the f--..." You were about to question him, but you noticed the LED attached to the bouncer. "O-oh. Um... thank you," you managed, nodding and letting your trainee guide you indoors once the bouncer gave the okay. "... Honey, that was the easiest I've ever gotten into a place. I'm seriously impressed."

Connor looked like he was more interested in the pet name, but that was beside the point. "I have advantages of my own."

"What did you say?"

"I told him the truth...? We were wanting entry, you were chilled, and would he please grant us access. Manners seem scarce in this lifestyle."

In the dark hallway, the bass from the music made your core vibrate with the beat. And the further in you walked, of course, the louder the music got. It switched from you being led to you guiding him further. "It's loud, I know. Remember, you're here to blend in."

There was a pained look all over his face. "Androids are not built to listen to music. There's a method to learning how, but right now all I am experiencing is profound reverb and jarring noises."

Taking his wrist, you pulled him to the side, where he leaned against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. Gingerly you took the RK800's head into your hands, guiding him close. "Relax. Separate the soundwaves. Suppress the algorithm that is trying to translate the origin, because that's blocking the music itself." He didn't question your instructions, but the pained expression slowly dissipated. "Good. Now, mesh the remaining waves slowly. Without the algorithm, your system should hear the tones as one, without all those errors."

After another couple of seconds, Connor opened his eyes, stunned in place at the lack of pain. He'd followed instructions perfectly; his LED was not only blue, but flashing in time with the music. Warm eyes stared at his trainer, unable to hide his awe. "... I am sorry, but... how did you know the process? Your instructions were as clear to me as though I myself were explaining."

He was given a soft smile. "My partner in Buffalo was an android."

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