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It was an unusual sight, an android pacing to try and relieve the building anxiety. But that's precisely what Connor was doing, pacing in the kitchen. He'd gotten your message, of course, and he offered to pick you up in the taxi himself. The less time you had to spend outside the complex, the better.

[I have a list prepared with several options; I need to speak with her about them. It's imperative that we get her out of that neighborhood.]

It wasn't why he was pacing, of course, but he was doing everything to delay the inevitable.

A tiny alarm went off in his head, something only he heard, which meant the taxi he ordered was near. Connor knelt down and gave Sumo some affection, smiling at the slobbery kisses he was gifted. "Sumo, you'll have to guard the house. Hank will be back sooner than I will. That is what I've concluded, anyways..."

[Unless I end up leaving and failing this test entirely.]

With a deep huffing sort of sound, Sumo went and lay in the living room. He knew how things went; Hank would return. The lieutenant was uncertain about getting out of the house; after all, his adopted "son" was being taken to a nightclub of all places. But the RK800 had insisted, shooing the human out the door.

Taxi pulling up on the street, Connor did a final scan, deemed everything sufficient, then locked the door behind him as he left.

Research was nothing new, and that was how he passed the time. But having to study Detroit's night life felt... strangely dirty. And he was supposed to look like he belonged?!

All too quickly the android was climbing out of the taxi to retrieve you. You didn't seem surprised that he hadn't changed, but then again, neither had you. You did have a garment bag over something on a hanger, and some sort of storage case in the other. Connor took both off your hands so your door could be locked. "Thank you. Ready?" Your eyes soaked in the sight of an android more than nervous.

"... absolutely not, I'm afraid," he admitted. Your belongings were stored before the android helped you into the taxi, then sat beside you. "Detective, how long do you--"

"Connor, listen to me. I'm sorry for interrupting, but there are some ground rules I need to lay out." You gave the driver the address, then turned back to your trainee. "This is more of a relaxed lesson, but the ground rules still apply. When we're undercover together, we act like we're together. It's for protection, support and backup."

Your story from earlier that day ran through his mind again, and the android nodded. "I understand, Detective."

"See, that's an issue right there." Shifting to face him, you frowned the slightest bit. "You cannot call me that when we're out. Either my name, the fake name I give you, or some sort of pet name. Now that I think about it, the pet name is best. That way we don't deal with keeping different stories straight."

[Pet name...]

"De--ah... hm..." Hands clenching, Connor was sorry to admit that he was getting more and more nervous. "I will... use something affectionate, then." Trying to smile, it twitched and revealed his nerves. "... I am confident in the precinct. The atmosphere of a nightclub is not... appealing to me."

"Yeah, I know very few androids that step in one willingly." Holding your left hand out, you showed your trainee the ring. "Fake, of course, but I almost always wear this. Looking engaged to someone does help keep creepy assholes away."

Fake or not, the ring was lovely. Then the meaning sank in. "... I am posed as your fiancé, then?"

"Yep. I'm sorry you got demoted," you added, laughing quietly.

It was oddly specific bodyguard duty. That he could certainly do, no matter what he had to experience. "Quite the opposite of a demotion. I feel as though I am being upgraded to someone... worthy."

With a few hard thumps in your ribcage, you realized the android was falling into the role given. Connor took your hand, cementing your thoughts. "Good, I think you're getting the hang of this. Probably need some more practice, but you're learning quick."

The taxi was soon pulling outside a lovely house, in a neighborhood a thousand times nicer than the one you were stuck in. Once the driver had been thanked and paid, the two of you approached the front door. "What do I need to know about this friend, Detective?" Connor had dropped the glimpse of flirting already.

Grinning, you rang the doorbell. "He's, uh... interesting. Huge sweetheart."

The door swung open, revealing a male with wild brunet hair, a well-kept beard, and a huge grin of his own once he saw you. You hugged him tightly, and were promptly lifted and spun around. "Ohh, holy shit, you're a sight for sore eyes!!" he exclaimed. But he carried/dragged you out of the way for the android to enter. "Come on in, man, I'm sorry for blockin' the way. I haven't seen her--....."

You were let go and forgotten like a sack of potatoes. Connor was being openly stared at, and he was only mildly uncomfortable. The accent was immediately noticed, and a quick scan told the RK800 a good deal. He held out a hand to your friend, wanting to be polite to the one helping him that night. "Hello, my name is--"

"Connor," he interrupted. "Holy shit, you're him. Holy fuckin' shit you're the one I'm helping?!" Whipping towards you, his entire body language screamed out his shock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOUR PROTEGÉ WAS THE ANDROID SENT BY CYBERLIFE?!"

You shared a glance with the android before you blinked. "I... didn't think you'd freak the fuck out."

"ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME?! This boy struts out of CyberLife with a whole fuckin' army of androids like it's nothin'! He's a fuckin' legend in Detroit, I mean shit, I almost wish I hadn't left the force!! And you bring him to my house like it's just some random motherfucker!" Clearly about to have some kind of heart attack, he groaned and rubbed his face. Only then did he notice the hand still outstretched. "Oh my fuckin' aching balls, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting the fuckin' RK800 to visit. Ugghhh, I'm gonna regret looking like an ass later but shit." THEN he shook Connor's hand. "Honored to meet ya, Con."

To his credit, your trainee was fairly relaxed about the freakout, shaking his hand and offering his crooked smile. "I was unaware that my actions garnered attention, but I'm nonetheless flattered." He did another scan before speaking again. "Forgive me if I'm being intrusive, but your accent is an Irish one, is it not, Mr. McLoughlin?"

He just stammered a little, apparently forgetting that the android would likely scan him for info. "--Uhh, yeah, yeah, fuck. Irish, yes. Accent is a mess, but that ain't the point. Born an' raised, Con."

Snorting a little, you cut in. "I missed you a ton, but he needs your help. You can suck him off later, Seán."

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