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And no, I don't mean Connor.)

Because your life was seemingly controlled by an apathetic, ruthless deity who took great pleasure in your suffering, your cell phone began to ring nearby. Connor promptly stepped away so you could answer the call, trying not to stumble from your weakened legs. "Hello...?"

"Hey, c-- shit. Fuck. Uh... hey, it's... wait, you have my contact already. Fuck..." Gavin. He sounded half asleep. Or possibly intoxicated. "Sorry for... a lot. Yesterday was a ffffffuckin' mess."

Rut between your brows, you sat on the arm of the sofa. "Gavin, are you okay? You're slurring badly. Like... really badly."

"Huh? Oh. That. Yeeeeaaaah." Not the answer you wanted. He sniffed hard before speaking again. "L-listen. I... ran out last night. You were sleepin', and.... I... I just..." Thank fuck it was a phone call; you wouldn't see him trying to maintain his composure. "I had to leave. Your, uh... partner followed me for... some reason. I dunno where he is at the moment...."

Your free hand was gripping the fabric of the couch, feeling your excitement drain away, replaced with worry. "It's fine, Gavin. But seriously, what's wrong? I don't need a breathalyzer to know you're drunk. It's not even noon. Should I stop by?"

"--NO." His sharp answer made you flinch, even over the phone. "I-I mean... no. It's... fine. I'm fine." Absolutely not fine; his hand was constantly wiping his eyes. "I was just.... callin' to say.... th-thank you. I, uh... I know you took a huge risk with me. But... shit, people don't fuckin' hate me now. And you...."

His voice was cracking. "All right, I'm coming over," you replied firmly, standing back up. "I'll get your address from Cloud or Connor; I don't know--"

"Don't. Don't fuckin' make this any harder on me. All right?" There was an awful pause, your heart pounding while he quietly pulled the phone from his head, so you couldn't hear him piecing his willpower back together. "S... sorry. Anyways.... don't. Please. That's why I called. To thank you for taking that risk. And I know we didn't exactly... make you and I a thing... but even if you w-wanted to, I couldn't say yes." Reed's voice was thick, unsteady but too stubborn to stop talking. "Thanks for g-giving a shit, but at the end of the day, I'm not it. Y'know...?"

You'd sunk back onto the sofa arm. "I... s-so you're calling to thank me, but also to tell me someone else is involved...?" Now overcome with worry, you were chewing your bottom lip, wondering if keeping the phone call going was now vital. With a frantic wave, you caught the RK800's attention, pulling the phone away to whisper, "Get a hold of Cloud. Gavin needs someone there, I think.... h-he might..."

Connor squeezed your shoulder, LED flashing between red and yellow as he stepped away a little, hand at his temple.

Luckily the human hadn't hung up. "S-sorta. When I say... I'm not it... I mean, I'm not an option. I don't think I ever w-was....." His inhale was shaky, the words following it even moreso. "I'd just hold you back. So... I'm gonna, y'know... step aside..."

His words were less important than how he spoke and acted. When Gavin trailed off, panic shot through your gut. "Gavin. Gavin, talk to me. I know you're drunk, but I'm not hanging up the phone. Keep talking to me. Please."

Much to your horror, Reed chuckled. "Sucks when you know the person you gotta talk down, huh...? Well, it feels shitty being that person, too." Sniffling again, he had to physically bite back a sob before it escaped. "I'm fuckin' stupid, okay? You... you deserve better than an asshole who just realized how to not be an asshole." Gavin paused for a second. "You're in good hands... so... th-thanks."

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now