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(Well I made some lemonade! This one got way more intense and I wasn't planning it. But there's a solid Mature Warning for this one: you've been warned.)

"I'm gone for less than five minutes and this is what I open the fucking door to?!"

Both you and Connor swung your heads to find Hank gawking in the open doorway. He was... less than pleased. Slowly, the android started to pull away from you, releasing your throat. "Hank, listen.... I... ah...."

"Connor? Shut up. I don't really wanna hear whatever you come up with. You two are adults, I get that, but holy shit the fuckin' bullshit drama between you two. You need to settle it one way or the other, just... don't let me fuckin' see it. Eugh," he added, shuddering violently. "Came back cause I still had the key," Hank muttered, tossing said key on the counter before leaving again, closing the door behind him.

Well, all of your anger had been snuffed out, at least. The android gazed down at you, laying on the floor in an unusual state, before helping you stand back up. The corners of his mouth were trying to go south as he spoke. "... I... Detective, I'm... I provoked you, I'm aware--"

A hand covered his mouth. But instead of blocking him directly, you just wanted him to stop rambling. "Connor, listen to me. Just... g-goddamnit, do what you were going to do before this goes away." Your every word was unsteady, the hand covering his mouth dropping until it gripped his collar. Though this time your grasp held no malice, just... need.

There were programs inside screaming error messages at him, but your trainee blocked them all in favor of cupping your neck, thumbs tipping your head back. "I ask for your consent first," he murmured. "I will do nothing without it."

Hands loosely taking his wrists, you were barely keeping yourself upright; your legs were completely unstable, and nevermind the fiery tension between them. Still, you winced a little. "It's your first time for... anything. If you really wanna waste it on me, then go ahead. You've got my consent. But for fuck's sake sto--"

For his first kiss, and as an android, the RK800 certainly seemed to know how to handle you. His kiss was gentle, almost cautious, stealing another as soon as one ended. They were steadily deepened, and he tilted your head to the side himself as you were backed up to the wall.

The feeling of being trapped again made your stomach twist, the intake of air broken as your chin was taken and gingerly pulled down. The android remained cautious, asking for entry with a tongue passing along your bottom lip.

Connor took better hold of your head, tipping it further back, his tongue dominating your own. Rewarded with a soft whimper, his hand slid lower and found your neck again. Carefully breaking the kiss, his hand tightened a bit, using the other to gently wipe your lower lip. ".... hmm? Do you want to be standing? Or some other position...?"

Honestly, you sort of wished you hadn't been interrupted in the first place. The kisses brought the weakness right back. Your eyes soaked in the sight of this android prototype, so willing yet so inexperienced. Oh well, fuck being gentle. "G-get on top of me," you demanded.

Those dark eyes narrowed, his hold on your neck tightening and guiding you away from the wall. Your trainee held you by the throat, all the way into the hallway. "Yours or mine...?" His tone was almost lazy.

"On the floor for all I care, goddamnit!"

Connor stopped guiding you, getting close until he was barely an inch from your face. "You will train me... in the precinct. Now? I have you by the throat. I won't bend over backwards for your pride; you'll learn when you are and aren't in charge." There was a smirk across his features that made your heart speed up. "Once more: yours or mine?"

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