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"..... Hank?"

He looked up from the form he was filling out. It could have been done digitally, but there he was, doing things by hand. The empty seat at the desk facing his probably had a lot to do with it. "Yeah?"

"... is Connor not here today...?" Your voice betrayed your concern. Considering the night prior, the android's absence worried you a good deal.

"... no. He's staying home. Rough night." The lieutenant's eyes darted around. "And for the record, I'm not mad at you. Kid needs a little space today."

A few moments passed in silence before you sank into the chair nearby. "... Hank, I think I--"

"Ah, ah. No. Not here. I don't wanna talk about it. I told you I wasn't mad at you, I just have to deal with an android burdened with things he's never experienced before. Shit hit the fast lane and Connor got burned." Grumbling to himself about the form, he looked up at you again. "...... you that upset by it?"

You nodded, hands wringing in your lap. "He told me he was upset at himself. That... he didn't want his... first kiss in a nightclub, and that he hoped I hadn't changed my mind... plus the whole thing about apartments..."

At that point the form was set aside, the male's hands laced together on his desk. "Listen. Connor is.... really fucking stubborn. He's a good kid, but something in him is wired to do every task to completion. Unless, obviously, it gets stopped dead. The flirting thing got outta hand, and... everything fell apart. Neither of you meant for this shit to happen." Hank leaned forward a touch, speaking in a softer tone. "I know you have more fire in you than Hell itself, but I'm askin' you to cool off. Train him like you intended, but be careful as fuck with him. Especially for the first few days."


There was only so much you could do when your trainee was absent. After another hour or so you ended up approaching Gavin, asking him if he'd be able to drive you home early. He didn't seem to mind, though there was genuine concern on his face at your withdrawn demeanor.

He debated on asking about whatever bothered you, but talked himself out of it.

The following day, Saturday, you woke to find three text messages from your Roomba.

[Detective, I know it is early, and I apologize, but I was hoping you were still willing to assist me with my apartment situation.]

[Forgive me, I realized my initial message was at 3:37am.]

[... I keep doing it. My apologies.]

It was just past nine in the morning. You really hoped the android had gotten some sleep, but since you had three texts all before four in the morning... probably not. [I'm awake now, Connor. If you need help, I'll do what I can.]

The response was immediate. [What time is good for you? I have three locations in mind, and I hope that won't be overwhelming.]

Just three apartments? [Let me get ready first. When I said I was awake, I meant I'm conscious but still in bed.]

[When you're ready, message me.] Then a pause. [Please.]

It took about an hour for you to roll out of bed, shower, then get ready. But you let the android know once you were out of the shower, that way he would arrive when you were just about done.

There was a knock at your door just as you were pulling on a heavy coat. Out of habit you peeked through the window, but Connor noticed and smiled a touch. It was strange to see him in a proper winter outfit. With the leather jacket and beanie covering most of his hair as well as his LED, he looked... normal. Opening the door for him, the smile widened.

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now