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Index finger at his forehead, you kept the RK800's head a little ways away from you. "Did you forget I'm still technically on a date, Connor?" The hope in his eyes slowly faded, but he nodded anyways.

When you gently started to pull away, the android got to his feet. "Detective?" You turned to look, only to be enveloped in an embrace. "... we seem to be trapped in a cycle. Now that I have... admitted everything... will things calm down between us?"

"I think that's something both of us have to work on. But... I hope it does calm down. I don't like living with someone that can't be honest with me."

"Forgive me. This entire development is far outside my comfort zone. I do not know how I should be feeling, and--"

"Hey." Your hand gently rubbed his back. "What we should be doing is working on being friends first. I'm training you, Connor; training someone I get along with is much easier."

Warm eyes closed slowly, lost in your little affectionate gestures. He shouldn't be, but he couldn't help himself. "... yes, Detective."


Frowning a touch, you pulled your phone out after seeing the living room was empty. [Gavin, I am so, so sorry. That took way longer than I anticipated. Can we pick this back up tomorrow?]

[...... we're outside the door.]

Eyebrows coming close, you went and whipped the front door open. Sure enough, Reed was standing with his hands in his coat pockets, with Cloud leaning against the opposite wall. They both turned to look when the door opened, and Gavin was chuckling under his breath as you let them back inside. "Everything good now, cara mia?"

With all the panic drained away, your body was swiftly succumbing to relieved tears. "Y-yeah, everything's... everything's good, now..."

Both males went to approach, but the RK900 held back for the sake of the man you were on a date with. A hand covered the lower half of your face, nodding or shaking your head silently while Gavin tried to gently ease your mind. Hands in his pockets, Cloud gazed over your head to find the RK800 meander back into the living room. You were being taken care of, so he approached the other android. "Connor? I am... sincerely sorry for my sudden appearance. My intent was not to cause you distress."

Your trainee eyed this taller, more stoic version of himself and still found no malice. "I apologize as well. I am still coming to terms with things outside of what I know, which... seem to be happening constantly. But my reaction to what I requested was improper."

The RK800 DID seem much more android-like than his successor, but... "You are in the right hands if you wish to learn to feel more human. I have learned to blend in and vanish in any crowd, so much so that the two of us could separate and return with vital details." Cloud offered that crooked, soft smile that the entire line of models seemed to possess. "With her as your partner, you will flourish."

Looking down in an ashamed sort of manner, your Roomba's mouth thinned. "I have not had an opportunity to demonstrate what she is trying to teach, and I fear my actions will give me away."

"I was the same. At first."

Sniffing a good deal, you slowly approached the pair of androids. "Ah... Cloud, I'm sorry, I... we don't have room for you, at least not yet."

"I am perfectly content with the sofa, sunflower." The RK900's pet name for you made the other two males shift in irritation, though neither did so in your view. "I insist you finish your date, first. Had I known you were on one, I would have found you later. If it is all right with Connor, I will stay here while the two of you enjoy the remainder of your date."

"Cloud, the sofa is a two-seater. You're a little too tall for it." You opened your mouth to say more, but the sound of two phones going off, plus Connor's LED going yellow, pulled everyone's attention away from the RK900.

"Homicide, two bodies found in an alleyway, multiple gunshot wounds, as well as heavy damage to two motorcycles." Your trainee gazed at you and Reed, knowing that you had to travel to the precinct immediately.

"I will wait here for your return," your partner chimed in, waving a dismissive hand.

"Actually..." you trained off. "I'm guessing my notification is different, cause it says it's at a biker bar. And nobody in there is talking about what happened."

"It's gotta be the one on the west side. That's the only one that gives us shit," Gavin added, frowning. "They're pretty fuckin' nasty sometimes. To us, anyway."

Your eyes found Connor, and you understood why there were specifics. You'd have to infiltrate the bar to get information. Taking a deep breath, you shot a message to Seán, requesting some of the articles of clothing you- and more importantly, Connor- would need. Then you made a beeline for your room, calling out down the hallway. "Connor, grab that leather jacket! It'll come in handy!"

Your Roomba also retreated to his room, with Cloud following, in case his own undercover knowledge might help. Gavin went into your room instead, seeing you go through your closet. "Anything I can do, cara mia?"

"Um..." Your thought process was scattered, considering the past hour or so. "There's a black and silver train case in the bathroom, I'm gonna need that, for sure. Then maybe think if you have anything that would make Connor look the exact opposite of Connor."

With a nod, Reed turned right back around and left the bedroom, only to have your partner enter. "I take it you've already contacted Seán?" When you nodded, he hummed a little. "... Connor doesn't have much in the way of variety, but I've passed along some information he will need. In case the patrons question your legitimacy... which they usually do."

"All right, Cloud, thank you."


The four of you piled into Gavin's car, the two androids in the back. What you picked out, including the RK800's leather jacket, had been placed in the trunk. Your phone buzzed with a text. "... Seán says he'll meet us at the precinct. We might have to talk to Fowler to let both him and Cloud in. Seán's been off the force for awhile so he doesn't have a badge."

"I do happen to have mine," your partner spoke up. "I hope there won't be any issues with me being there."

"As you are my successor, I don't see why there would be cause for concern," Connor answered. "You are a law enforcement prototype with a legitimate badge. And you've been spoken about in the past; the surprise will be minimal."

Cloud smiled a little. "Sunflower, you've been telling people about me? I'm flattered. To be honest, I gush about you, as well."

Gavin's grip on the wheel tightened; why, of all nicknames, did it have to be something beautiful and charming like sunflower?

[Reed is one matter; he's proven that he has changed. I am learning to trust him, and trust her in his hands. You, however, are the stormcloud in my sky, and I will do everything I am capable of to shelter her from your advances.]

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