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By some miracle, his connection to the printer was severed before it printed the answer. Then again, he could have severed it at any time. Despite that, he reconnected it once he knew it wouldn't give the results.

When you slid off of the table and walked away, Connor wondered if perhaps he'd finally gone too far.

[I hadn't outright said something like that before... and even I don't--]


His head was jerked forward once you slapped the back of it.

[There it is.]

"You don't want to keep pushing my buttons, RK800," you warned in a soft voice. "I said the flirting was creative and all, but you're about to cross the line into crude. Rein it in."

"I will, Detective." -Truth-

Still behind him, you stared at the back of his head. "... Connor, do you do this with every female that intends to train you? Or am I just lucky?"

"Neither." -Truth- "Do you treat every android you torment like this? Or am I just lucky?"

There was an uneasy pause that followed. The android could not see you turning away from him, arms crossed and deep in thought. But he definitely felt the printer being unplugged from his neck. Beside him, you reached and unlocked his hands from the table. "Go," you muttered, voice listless. "I have no more questions."

His dark eyes watched you gather up the printed results, look them over, then crumple up the paper. All of your fire had been snuffed out, and now the android was fairly alarmed. LED a solid yellow, he didn't rise from the chair. "Detective? Have I upset--"

"Connor, go. Leave and... do something, I don't care." You were mindfully wrapping the wire to the printer back up, purposely not looking at him. When he still sat frozen in place, your lips thinned. "I said you can go. We're done here." You glanced at the one-way glass before taking the printer and leaving the room.

Only then did Connor move, getting to his feet and hurrying after you. "Detective, wait," he called out. When you stopped walking a little ways away, he let a bit of relief in. "I... let me apologize. Please."

"The only one who needs to apologize is me. I came here because I had to leave, I managed to get a job in another precinct to train others in what I know best, and my first student is actively defying me. So I'm sorry to myself that I've wasted my time here wanting to teach a machine that won't be taught."

The male detective shrunk back a tiny bit. You refused to look at him, and the upset barely heard in your voice stung the worst. "... please. I have taken things too far, and I apologize. I'm genuinely curious about your capabilities. Let me show I am more than ready to learn. Please."

Your weight shifted to one hip, but you said nothing as you walked away down the corridor. You had to put the printer away... but you were sort of lost. Hell, you didn't even have any sort of access permissions yet. "...... where do I store this, RK800?"

[Please don't leave.]

Properly subdued, Connor stood beside you and held up his access card. "The storage is one floor up. Please follow me." Leading you up the stairs nearby, the two of you stood outside an unmarked door. As he unlocked it to let you both inside, he was frantically trying to figure out how to get you to stay.

The storage room was somewhat organized, but a polygraph printer was an odd and specific device. So you set it on the shelf beside the container labeled Interrogation. When you turned to leave, you found the other detective in front of the door, immobile and blocking the only exit. "..... Connor. Move."

Comfort Zone (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now